Spring Boot

Jorge Simao Posted 01 Jun 20

Spring Boot Overview

Spring Boot is a Rapid Application Development (RAD) library-set for Spring enabled Java applications. Boot promotes a configuration by convention approach, by taking an “opinionated view” on how Spring projects should be setup and enabling suitable configuration defaults for most Spring modules and imported third-party dependencies. Boot differs notoriously from other RAD approaches, by not using source-code generation and not requiring any specific tooling/IDE support. Boot makes production-graded applications easy to get started, while allowing easy overriding of default configuration options.

Dependency Management

Spring Boot is best used in combination with project build systems — specially those that support dependency management. For Maven, the parent POM spring-boot-starter-parent can be used to automatically inherit version information for common third-party libraries (i.e. no need to specify the <version> element in dependencies).

Example: Maven .pom for a Boot Project

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project ... >

    <!--  other spring-boot-starter-* -->
    <!--  other dependencies -->

Spring Boot provides a wide range of starter dependency descriptors that import sets of related dependencies and allow to get started building specific kinds of applications easily (i.e. without having to enumerate all the imported dependencies). These dependency descriptors follow the naming convention spring-boot-starter-*, where the wildcard * stand for the type of project. Starters also import spring-boot-autoconfigure dependency that supports auto-configuration features. Table below summaries some of the starters and the imported dependencies.

StarterDescription & Dependencies
spring-boot-starterBoot Core, Auto-Configuration, Logging, YAML
spring-boot-starter-web, spring-web, spring-webmvcValidation, Jackson, Tomcat
spring-boot-starter-test, spring-testJUnit, Hamcrest, Mockito
spring-aop, aspectjrt, aspectjweaver
spring-boot-starter-thymeleafThymeleaf VDL w/ SpringMVC integration
spring-boot-starter-jdbc, spring-jdbc, tomcat-jdbc
spring-boot-starter-data-jpa. spring-data-jpa, spring-ormJPA API, Hibernate`
spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb, spring-data-mongodbMongoDB Java Driver
spring-boot-starter-redis, spring-data-redisRedis Java driver (jedis)
spring-boot-starter-amqp, spring-rabbitRabbitMQ Java driver`
spring-boot-starter-security. spring-security-* (config, web)
spring-integration-* (core, file, http, ip, stream)
spring-batch-core, spring-jdbcHSQLDB Java Driver
spring-cloud-*-connector (local-config, cloudfoundy, heroku, spring-service)

Spring Boot Applications

A Spring Boot application can be written as a Java standalone app — with a main() method — and bootstrapped by calling method SpringApplication.run(), which lunches an embedded web container and automatically creates a Spring ApplicationContext. Alternatively, a Boot enabled web application can be deployed to a Servlet container by implemented Java WebInitializer that extends SpringBootServletInitializer.

Example: Boot Standalone App

public class MyApp {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(MyApp.class, args);
  .   ____          _            __ _ _
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 \\/  ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| |  ) ) ) )
  '  |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
 :: **Spring Boot** ::   v1.3.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT

2015-05-15 12:00:30.000  INFO 12345 --- [main] myorg.MyAapp: Starting MyApplication v0.1.0 on myhost with PID 1235 (/apps/myapp.jar ...)

Example: Boot Web Initializer

public class ServletInitializer extends SpringBootServletInitializer {
	protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder app) {
		return app.sources(MyApp.class);

Annotation @EnableAutoConfiguration is used to enable auto-configuration, or alternatively @SpringBootApplication which combines auto-configuration with annotations @Configuration and @ComponentScan. By placing this annotation in a class locate in the root package of the application — often the the main class, all classes annotated with Spring stereotype annotations will be picked-up during component scan (e.g. @Component, @Repository, @Service, @Configuration). For programmatic customization, an instance of SpringApplication can be created explicitly and initialized using property setters, before calling run(). Class SpringApplicationBuilder also supports the builder design-pattern with a fluent API.

Example: Boot App w/ Programmatic Customization

public class MyApp {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new SpringApplicationBuilder()

Example: Importing XML Configuration Resources

public class MyApp {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(MyApp.class, args);


Spring Boot uses the mechanism of Condition Beans, introduced in Core Spring Framework 4.1, to have required configuration components automatically defined — if not explicitly defined by the application. Presence of a dependency in the classpath is enough to trigger auto-configuration (e.g. the presence of a DB driver in the classpath, such as HSQLDB, MySql, or MariaDB, will make a java.sql.DataSource bean to be automatically defined if none is explicitly defined in the ApplicationContext.) Conversely, Boot modules refrain from defining a component if they are defined by the application (e.g. in a Java-Spring Config class) . Additionally, the attribute exclude() in annotations @EnableAutoConfiguration and @SpringBootApplication, can be used to disable a AutoConfiguration class.

Example: Disabling Specific AutoConfiguration Classes

import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.*;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbc.*;
public class MyApp {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(MyApp.class, args);

Library developers can also provide support for auto-configuration of custom bean types using the mechanisms of conditional beans of Spring 4.1 — @Conditional annotation and Condition interface, including the many annotations Boot provides for specific conditions — such as @ConditionalOnClass, @ConditionalOnMissingBean, and @ConditionalOnProperty.

Example: Custom Auto-Configuration

@ConditionalOnClass({ MyBean.class })
public class MyAutoConfiguration {
  @ConditionalOnProperty(prefix="myorg.mylib", name = "enabled", havingValue = "true", matchIfMissing = true)
  public MyBean mybean(MyProperties props) {
    return new MyBean(props);

Externalized Configuration

Spring Boot allows the externalization of application configuration using conventionally-named property files and YAML files, command-line arguments, in addition to the usual OS environment variables, or JVM properties. Specifically, Spring Boot installs a PropertySource that looks up for files named application.properties and application.yml, in several locations including project root, classpath directories, and inside directory /config on the root or a classpath directory. Spring profile specific files are also located and loaded with names application-{profile}.properties and application-{profile}.yml. Command line argument with syntax --propertyName=value are also accepted. These configuration files can be located inside or outside the JAR where and application is bundled. Precedence is as follows:

  • Command line arguments: --propertyName=value
  • JNDI attributes from: java:comp/env
  • JVM properties: -DpropertyName=value OS environment variables
  • A RandomValuePropertySource for: random.* settings
  • Profile-specific application-{profile}.properties and application-{profile}.yaml (outside JAR, followed by inside JAR); application.properties and application.yml (ouside JAR, followed by inside JAR)
  • Additional @PropertySource in @Configuration classes.
  • Defaults set w/ SpringApplication.setDefaultProperties()

Example: Configuring Boot and App Properties


Example: Configuring App with YAML

  url: jdbc:mysql:server-a.myorg/mydb
  username: dba
  password: pa$$
    - dbc:mysql:server-a.myorg/mydb
    - jdbc:mysql:server-c.myorg/mydb

All settings are registered in the Environment of the Spring ApplicationContext. Relaxed naming of properties is supported: case-insensitive, camelCase to XML-notation equivalence, and word-separation with . or _. Settings can by used to configure components of Spring Boot modules, to resolve property placeholder in @Value annotations, and to perform injection of properties in structured objects/beans annotated with @ConfigurationProperties. Annotation @EnableConfigurationProperties should be used in a @Configuration class to enable @ConfigurationProperties injection. JSR-303 validation annotations can also be used to validate property values. (Because Spring Boot uses a DataBinder to perform injection, property getters&setter methods should be defined.)

Example: Injecting Individual Properties

public class DBConfig {
    @Value("${db.url}") private String url;
    @Value("${db.username}") private String username;
    @Value("${db.password}") private String password;
#### <i class="fas fa-angle-double-right"></i> Example:  Property Injection in Structured Objects
public class DBConfig {
    private String url;
    private String username;
    private String password;
    private List<String> slaves;
    //getters and setters...

Example: Enabling Configuration Properties Injection

public class MyConfiguration {

Table below summarizes some of the basic properties that can be set to configure Spring Boot.

PropertyDescription (Default)
spring.config.locationDirectory with properties/yaml files (classpath:,classpath:/config,file:,file:config/)
spring.config.nameFilename for properties files (application)
banner.locationBanner file location (classpath:banner.txt)
banner.encodingBanner file encoding (UTF-8)
logging.fileLogging file location (Log to console only, by default)
logging.pathDirectory for log file (default filename is spring.log)
logging.level.*Logging level (INFO)
logging.configLog configuration file
(logback.{xml,groovy} | log4j.{properties,xml} | log4j2.xml | logging.properties)
spring.main.web_environmentEnable/Disable WebApplicationContext (true)
spring.main.show_bannerShow/Hide start banner (true)
spring.application.nameApplication name (the class name)

Web Applications and REST-WS

Spring Boot simplifies the development of web applications by configuring Spring MVC with sensible defaults when the starter dependency spring-boot-starter-web is imported. Auto-configured features include:

  • Serving of static resources (e.g img, js, css) located in pre-defined directories: index.html, /static, /public, /resources, /META-INF/resources, and /webjars/** (for JAR packaging)
  • MessageConverters for REST-WS (XML, JSON, …)
  • View Resolvers: ContentNegotiatingViewResolver and BeanNameViewResolver
  • Auto-configuration of several VDL is also supported by importing appropriate starters, including: Velocity, FreeMarker, Groovy, and Thymeleaf. View files should be located under src/main/resources/templates.

Auto-Configuration of Spring MVC can be suppressed altogether using annotation @EnableWebMvc in a @Configuration class. To refine the Spring Boot base auto-configuration class WebMvcConfigurerAdapter can be extended and desired methods override.

Example: Refining MVC Auto-Configuration

public class MvcConfig extends WebMvcAutoConfigurationAdapter {
  public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
    registry.addRequestInterceptor(new MyInterceptor());

Spring Boot applications run with an embedded Servlet container (Java web server), when deployed as a main() (standalone) applications. By default, Tomcat is used as container, but Jetty and Undertow are also supported out-of-the-box by importing appropriate starters. Table below summarizes Boot properties specific to web applications.

PropertyDescription (Default)
server.portHTTP server port (8080)
server.addressIP interface address (all)
server.sessionTimeoutHTTP Session timeout (in ms)
server.ssl.*SSL setting (key/cert files&pass)
server.tomcat.*Tomcat specific settings
spring.jackson.*Jackson mapping (JSON) settings
spring.thymeleaf.*Thymeleaf specific settings


Spring Boot performs auto-configuration of Spring Security when starter dependency spring-boot-starter-security is imported. All HTTP endpoints are protected to require BASIC authentication credentials, and an authentication provider is configured with a simple in-memory database with a single user named user and a random password (logged with level INFO). Auto-Configuration of Spring Security can be suppressed using annotation @EnableWebSecurity in a custom @Configuration class, or refined by extending class WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter.

Example: Refining Security Auto-Configuration

public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
  public void configure(WebSecurity web) throws Exception { ... }

SQL/Relational Data-Access

Spring Boot auto-configures a javax.sql.DataSource, if not defined explicitly as an application bean, and starters spring-boot-starter-jdbc or spring-boot-starter-data-jpa is imported plus a suitable driver. Driver H2, HSQL, Derby create an embedded data-base, while drivers MySql or MariaDB can be used for production. Settings spring.datasource.* can be used to configure the connection details. Connection pooling is automatically enabled (using Tomcat connection pooler, or other available in the classpath). An instance of JdbcTemplate and NamedParameterJdbcTemplate are also created and configured automatically.

Example: Imports for Data-Source Auto-Configuration


Example: Setting DataSource Connection Details


Importing starter spring-boot-starter-data-jpa auto-configures a JPA EntityManagerFactory, and a JpaTransactionManager. Scanning of @Entity, @MappedSuperclass, and @Embedded classes is done automatically below the package of class annotated with @EnableAutoConfiguration or @SpringBootApplication. Spring Data JPA repository classes are also automatically created if component-scanning finds interfaces extending Repository (or CrudRepository). Table below summarizes Boot properties for DataSource and JPA auto-configuration:

PropertyDescription (Default)
spring.datasource.urlDataSource URL
spring.datasource.usernameDataSource username
spring.datasource.diver-class-namedriver (for individual connections)
spring.datasource.jndi-nameJNDI name for DataSource
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-autoHibernate auto-schema creation (DDL execution)
spring.jpa.properties.*Any JPA property
spring.datasource.nameName for embedded DataSource (testdb)
spring.datasource.dataSQL initialization script
spring.datasource.initializeInitialize with {data}.sql (true)

NoSql Data-Access

Spring Boot has auto-configuration starters for several NoSql DBs supported by Spring Data, including: MondoDB, Redis, Elasticsearch, and Solr. For MongoDB, a beans of type Mongo, MongoDbFactory, and MongoTemplate, are automatically created (connecting by default to mongodb://localhost/test). For Redis, beans of type RedisConnectionFactory, StringRedisTemplate or RedisTemplate are automatically created (connecting by default to localhost:6379). For Solr, an instance of SolrServer is auto-created (connected to localhost:8983/solr). For Elasticsearch, and instance of ElasticsearchTemplate and ElasticsearchClient is auto-created (connected to an in-memory server). Spring Data JPA repository classes are automatically created for all of these NoSQL DBs when the starter dependency is imported. Table below summarizes Boot properties for MongoDB and Redis auto-configuration.

PropertyDescription (Default)
spring.data.mongodb.uriMongoDB server URI
spring.data.mongodb.hostMongoDB server (localhost)
spring.data.mongodb.portMongoDB server port (27017)
spring.data.mongodb.databaseMongoDB database name (test)
spring.redis.hostRedis server host (localhost)
spring.redis.portRedis server port (6379)
spring.redis.passwordPassword for Redis server
spring.redis.pool.*Jedis connection pool settings
spring.redis.sentinel.*Master&slaves addresses


Spring Boot has auto-configuration starters for messaging-based communication based on JMS and AMQP. The core Boot starter has built-in support for ActiveMQ broker — importing ActiveMQ driver&server to the classpath, makes an ActiveMQConnectionFactory to be automatically configured. An embedded server is started, unless property spring.activemq.broker-url is set or if running inside an application server. For HornetQ broker the starter spring-boot-starter-hornetq should be imported. In both cases, a JMS ConnectionFactory and a JmsTemplate is auto-configure. If annotation @JmsListener is used for asynchronous reception, a JmsListenerContainerFactory is also auto-created (without need to explicitly use @EnableJms). Table below summarizes Boot properties for JMS based messaging.

PropertyDescription (Default)
spring.activemq.broker-urlURL to ActiveMQ broker
spring.activemq.userUsername in ActiveMQ
spring.activemq.passwordPassword in ActiveMQ
spring.jms.jndi-nameConnectionFactory JDNI name
(java:/JmsXA, java:/XAConnectionFactory)
spring.hornetq.modeURL to HornetQ broker (native)
spring.hornetq.portPort of HornetQ broker (9876)

RabbitMQ/AMQP auto-configuration is enabled by importing spring-boot-starter-amqp. This will automatically creates beans of type Spring AMQP ConnectionFactory, a RabbitTemplate, and RabbitAdmin. Table below summarizes Boot properties for RabbitMQ/AMQP based messaging:

PropertyDescription (Default)
spring.rabbitmq.hostHost for RabbitMQ broker
spring.rabbitmq.portPort for RabbitMQ broker (5672)
spring.rabbitmq.usernameUsername in RabbitMQ
spring.rabbitmq.passwordPassword in RabbitMQ
spring.rabbitmq.virtualHostVirtual host in RabbitMQ
spring.rabbitmq.addresseComma-separated list of server addresses (in cluster)


Boot support for sending email messages is enabled by importing spring-boot-starter-mail. This auto-configures a JavaSendMail bean if property spring.mail.host is defined. Table below summarizes Boot properties for Mail.

PropertyDescription (Default)
spring.mail.hostHost of SMTP server
spring.mail.portPort of SMTP server
spring.mail.userUsername in SMTP server
spring.mail.passwordPassword in SMTP server
spring.mail.defaultEncodingDefault char encoding (UTF-8)

Distributed Transactions

Boot support auto-configuration of JTA distributed transactions, using either an JEE application-server or an embedded standalone JTA provider. Providers Atomikos and Bitronix are supported, using starters spring-boot-starter-jta-atomikos and spring-boot-starter-jta-bitronix, respectivelly. Instances of JTA’s UserTransaction and TransactionManager (package javax.transaction.*) are automatically created. Beans of type XADataSourceWrapper and XAConnectionFactoryWrapper are also auto-configured as XA-enabled DataSource and ConnectionFactory. For deployments in a JEE application-server, a JNDI lookup is performed on names java:comp/UserTransaction and java:comp/TransactionManager. Table below summarizes Boot properties for JTA transactions. Further customization of Atomikos and Bitroniz can be done by defining beans of type AtomikosProperties and bitronix.tm.Configuration.

PropertyDescription (Default)
spring.jta.log-dirLog dir for JTA provider (transaction-logs)
spring.jta.transaction-manager-idDistributed-UUID for JTA transaction manager (IP)
spring.jta.enabledJTA enable/disable flag (true)

Spring Integration

Basic auto-configuration of Spring Integration is done by importing spring-boot-starter-integration (which makes optional annotation @EnableIntegration). If dependency spring-integration-jmx is also imported, message processing statistics are also published over JMX (unless property spring.jmx.enabled=false).


Boot core will automatically auto-configures a MBeanServer and a MBeanExporter — that exports to the JMX server all beans annotated with @ManagedResource. A default naming strategy for MBeans is used, unless a bean of type ObjectNamingStrategy is defined. Setting property spring.jmx.enabled=false, disables this JMX auto-configuration behavior.


Integration testing of Boot enabled applications is done with usual mechanisms of a Spring app, including the SpringJUnit4ClassRunner, but annotation @SpringApplicationConfiguration should be be used to specify configuration resources (rather than the usual @ContextConfiguration). To perform the integration test in a real embedded Servlet container use annotation @WebIntegrationTest (or @IntegrationTest with Spring @WebAppConfiguration Spring). To use a mock Servlet container (MockServletContext) use only @WebAppConfiguration.

Example: Web Integration Testing (Embedded Server)

@SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = MyApp.class)
public class MyIntegrationTests { ... }

Actuator - Production-Ready Features

Spring Boot provides several monitoring and management features useful in production-ready applications, including: configuration info, health-checks, metrics-gathering, and remote-shell. Importing spring-boot-starter-actuator enables all these features, and exports HTTP endpoints to access the collected info. By default, all HTTP endpoints are enabled, but they can be individually disabled with endpoints.name.enabled=false or globally with endpoints.enabled=false. Table below summarizes some of these HTTP endpoints.

/infoGeneric app info
/metricsGet metrics info
/healthGet health info
/traceGet trace of last HTTP requests
/mappingsGet list of mapped HTTP endpoints
/autoconfigGet list of auto-configured beans
/configpropsGet list of auto-configured properties


Comments and Discussion
