Cloud Manager Reference Manual

Docs EInnovator Posted 13 May 20

Cloud Manager CLI (Command-Line Tool)

Cloud Manager CLI tools supports most/all operations and entity types supported by the web UI. It’s main use is script execution and automation, and in general tasks where a web UI is not desired or available. Some developers and devops also have a preference for a command-line tool rather than web UIs. The tool can be run to execute individual commands, to run scripts, or to run in interactive mode.

The CLI tool is built to support multiple services and be extensible. Devops enabled by Cloud Manager is just one of the many uses for it, although possibly one of the most important ones. Overall, it is intended to support multi-cluster/multi-cloud Kubernetes devops, and micro-service development. Other services in EInnovator micro-service suite have built-in integration and command supporte, including: SSO Gateway, Notifications Gateway, Document Store, Social Hub, and Payment Gateway.

Getting Started


To install the tool you need to download the .tgz file below and extract its content. After this, it runs as command ei.

wget https://cdn.einnovator.org/cli/ei-latest.tgz
tar -xf ei-latest.tgz
cd einnovator-cli
chmod +x ei #linux/mac only

Two scripts are available to run the tool — a shell file for Linux/Mac (ei), and a batch file for WindowsOS (ei.bat). The tool is implemented in Java. So you need to have the JVM command (java) installed and in the PATH. You make also want to add the folder where you expanded the tool in the PATH.

A welcome/help message is displayed when you type ei without commands. You can also use option -h to get help with any command.

Welcome to the EInnovator CLI (Command-Line Tool).
Your super-duper CLI tool for Multi-Cluster/Multi-Cloud Kubernetes devops and micro-services development.

Type a name to get help on commands for that service:

  sso           SSO operations
  devops        Cloud Manager Devops operations
  notifications Notifications Hub operations
  documents     Document Store operations
  social        Social Hub operations
  payments      Payment Gateway operations

Generic commands:

  ls         List Spaces (and other resources)
  pwd        Show current default/parent resources
  cd         Change current Space (and Cluster)
  version    Show CLI version
  set        Set environment variable
  echo       Echo expression list
  exit       Exit interactive mode
  help       Show this help
  login      Login to Server
  api        API operations
  token      OAuth Token operations
  run        Create and run Deployment (or Job or CronJob)
  kill       Stop or delete Deployment (or Job or CronJob)
  market     List Marketplace Solutions
  install    Install Solution (standalone or from Catalog)

Usage: ei sso | devops | notifications | documents | social | payments | 
  ls | pwd | cd | version | set | echo | exit | help args... [-option value]* [--options=value]*

Starting the Services

To use the CLI tool for devops you need to have an instance of Cloud Manager service running. If you want to use Cloud Manager in multi-user mode, you need also to start the SSO Gateway service. You may also opt to use the other support services for additional features, including: Notification Gateway for inapp/mail/sms notifications, Social Hub for discussion comments in Spaces, and Document Store for persistence of DB snapshoots in a remote storage service (e.g. volume, or AWS). Check the docs of Cloud Manager for details on how to install it with helm, docker, or scripts.

You need to login to a Cloud Manager API first. If you are running in multi-user mode, the login is done via the SSO Gateway. A OAuth2 token is obtained, and is used for all the services.

You can use the same installation of Cloud Manager to run operations in multiple cluster and multiple clouds. You can also use the CLI tool to login to different installations of Cloud Manager each with own API endpoints, and switch between them. The CLI tools keeps track of tokens across different APIs. So you don’t need to login again when you switch API.

Examples: Common Recipes


First step in using the CLI is to login to your installation of Cloud Manager.

# login to local cloud manager API with username/password
ei login -u username -p password -a http://localhost:5005
# login to remote cloud manager API interactively
ei login https://devops.acme.com

Import a Cluster

You need to import the credentials to one (or more) Kubernetes clusters. If you have a kubeconfig file for the cluster that is a simple option to get started.

# import cluster with details specified in kubeconfig file
ei cluster import -f ~/.kube/config

Create a Space

Deployments and other resources and workloads exist inside Spaces, that are mapped to a kubernetes namespaces in a selected cluster. Syntax cluster/space is used to identify a space in a cluster.

# create space with specified name in selected cluster
ei space create us-central/dev

You can selected a space as default/current with command cd. Operations on Deployments and other workload will be done in this space. You can also use option -n|--ns in each command to specify the space. To check current default setting use command pwd.

# make a space the default
ei cd us-central/dev

# check current setting

Basic Operations

To list all spaces in any cluster use command ls. To list deployments in current space use command ps.

# list spaces (in any cluster)
ei ls

# list deployments
ei ps

Run a Deployment

Running deployment (applications or backing services) is one of core features of kubernetes and one of the most common operations. This is done with command run, or alternatively with command deployment create with option --start. The (docker) image to use is specified with option --image. By default a kubernetes deployment of kind Deployment is created. To create of kind StatefulSet use option -s or --kind=statefulset.

# run a deployment
ei run superheros --image=einnovator/einnovator-sample-superheros -o

The CLI tool allows easy navigation to dashboard page of managed resources in the Cloud Manager UI. Command view opens the corresponding page in the browser..

# open deployment dashabord in web browser
ei deploy view superheros

Managing Deployment Lifecycle

You can stop, start, and restart a Deployment at any time with respective commands. You can also use the command kill to stop a deployment. Ny default, yhis stop the deployment from running in the cluster, but it kept in Cloud Manager DB in state stopped. To delete, use option -f.

# stop deployment
ei deploy stop superheros

# start deployment
ei deploy start superheros

# restart deployment
ei deploy restart superheros

# stop and delete deployment
ei kill superheros -f

Scale a Deployment

By default a Deployment is created with a single instance, known also as pod or replica. To increase number of instances use command deployment scale. Tuning the number of replicas to match load, is known as horizontal scaling. Option --track can be used to track progress.

# scale a deployment to 5 instance
ei deploy scale superheros 5 --track

To list the set of pods for a deployment use command deployment pod ls.

# list pods of a deployment
ei deploy pod ls superheros

You can also scale a Deployment vertically, by setting the amount of resources each pod uses (memory, disk, cpu) with command deployment resources.

# scale resource of pods of a deployment
ei deploy resources superheros -m 2Gi --disk 5Gi

Troubleshoot a Deployment

To troubleshoot a deployment you can check the logs of a pod with command deployment logs. By default, it show the logs of first pod. You can specify another pod with option --pod. To show only the n-th last lines of the log, use option -l.

# show log tail of deployment (first) pod
ei deploy logs superheros -l200

Additionally, you can check the events of deployment with command deploy events. With options -c show “cluster-level” events, rather than “high-level” user triggered events.

# show events for a deployment
ei deploy events ls superheros --pageSize=30

Setup a Domain

Deployments can be setup with DNS routes hostname.domain to be easily accessible. You should first create a domain before creating routes with command domain create.

# create an (unsecure) domain
ei domain create acme.com

For secure TLS/HTTPS access, the domain should be configured with a wildcard certificate. If you don’t have a certificate you can use the Cloud Manager UI and get a free one when you create the domain. If you have one locally in your file-system and want to use the CLI, you can use options --crt, --key, --ca to specify the files for the certificate, private-key, and certification authority bundle.

# create a secure domain
ei domain create acme.com --crt=crt.pem --key=key.pem --ca=ca.pem

For convenience when creating routes, you can set a domain as default with command domain set. Otherwise, you need to specify the domain option -d.

# List domains and set current/default domain
ei domain ls
ei domain set acme.com

Setup Deployment Routes

DNS routes can be added to a deployment at run/creation time, or afterwards. Command route ls (short form of deploy route ls) lists all the routes of a deployment. In the run, deploy create, and deploy update, a route can be added with options -r. If no name is specified for the route, the deployment name is used. Option -d specifies the route to use (specified by dns, id, or uuid). Multiple routes can be specified comma separated.

Routes are implemented using Kubernetes Ingresses. By default, each route will have it own ingress. To make routes share a common ingress use option --shared (actually, one for TLS secured and another one for non TLS secured). Route can optionally override the certificate of a domain using the same options as for the domain --crt, --key, and --ca. Cloud Manager considers the ingress controller that is defined in the cluster settings when creating the ingresses, and fallbacks to nginx ingresses controller as default.

# Run a deployment with a route set automaticaly 
ei run superheros --image=einnovator/einnovator-sample-superheros --port=80 --stack=boot -r

# Run a deployment with a named route set automaticaly 
ei run superheros --image=einnovator/einnovator-sample-superheros --port=80 --stack=boot -r heros

Command deploy go provides an easy way to navigate to an app. By default, the app is open in the primary route. The first one added, or the last one added with option --primary.

# open deployment application in browser (in primary route)
ei deploy go superheros

Routes can also be added one at the time with command route add (short form of deploy route add). When a route is added to a deployment is immediately setup (possibly with a few seconds delay).

# add additional route to deployment after creation and make it primary
ei route add superheros heros -d demo.nativex.cloud --primary

A route can also have an empty hostname. In this case, the full DNS of the route is the same as the DNS of the domain.

# add route with empty hostname
ei route add home -d acme.com

Set Environemnt Variables

Deployment environment variables can set at run/creation time, or afterwards. Command deploy env ls lists the environment variable of a deployment. In the run, deploy create, and deploy update, environment variables can be specified inline with option --env=. Multiple variable settings can be specified comma separated.

The simplest form of environment variable setting is with explicit key=value pair. Environment variable whose value reference entries in a ConfigMap are specified with syntax ^configmap.key. Environment variable whose value reference entries in a Secret are specified with syntax ^^secret.key.

# Run a deployment with set environment variables 
ei run heros --image=einnovator/einnovator-sample-superheros \

Environment variable can also be added one at the time with command deploy env add. Option --configmap and --secret specified names of configmap and secret, respectively. Command deploy env update update the value of an environment variable, and command deploy env delete (or an alias like deploy env rm) deletes the variable. When the environment of a deployment is changed, it needs to be restarted for the changes to have effect.

# Check environment variables for deployment
ei deploy env ls superheros

# Add environment variable to deployment
ei deploy env add superheros SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE k8s

# Add environment variable to deployment from configmap and secret 
ei deploy env add superheros ADMIN_USERNAME username --configmap=superheros-config
ei deploy env add superheros ADMIN_PASSOWORD password --secret=superheros-secret

ei deploy restart

Mounting Volumes

A Deployment disk storage is by default ephemeral — i.e. is discarded on shutdown or restart. To make persistent storage permanent, volume (claim) mounts are used. Mounts can be set at run/creation time, or afterwards. Command deploy mount ls lists the mounts of a deployment. In the run, deploy create, and deploy update, mounts variables can be specified inline with option --mount= or --mounts=. The syntax name:/mountPath=size should be used. Multiple mounts can be specified comma separated.

ConfigMap can also be mounted with syntax: name:/mountPath=^configmap.key or configmap.key1+key2, for multiple keys. Likewise, Secrets can be mounted with syntax name:/mountPath=^^secret.key.

# Run a deployment with a mounted volume
ei run heros einnovator/einnovator-sample-superheros --mount=data:/data=1Gi

# Run a deployment with a mounted volume, configmap, and secret
ei run heros einnovator/einnovator-sample-superheros \

Mounts can also be added one at the time with command deploy mount add. Option --mountPath specified the mount location.

For ConfigMap and Secret mounts, option --configmap and --secret specified names of configmap and secret, respectively. Option --items specified the items to mount, with syntax: key,....

When new mounts are added to deployment or existing ones updated, the deployment needs to be restarted for the changes to have effect.

# add mounts to deployment
ei deploy mount add superheros data --mountPath=/data --size=3Gi

ei deploy mount add superheros config --mountPath=/config --configmap=superheros-config --items=theme
ei deploy mount add superheros config2 --mountPath=/config --secret=superheros-secret --items=db-password

ei deploy restart

Configuring Image Registries

Registry configuration allows to push images after a CI/CD builds, and pull images from private registries. A new registry can be defined with command registry create. Option --server (or –url) is the URL, hostname, or hostname/path of the registry server, or a well-know provider name. Options ‘-u’, ‘-m’, ‘-p’ are for username, email, and password (or token). Command registry ls (or reg ls), lists configured registries.

#define new private registry
ei registry create docker-dev77 --server=dockerhub -udev77 -m=dev77@acme.com -p${DOCKERHUB_TOKEN}

# list registries
ei reg ls
ID   NAME                    DISPLAYNAME             SERVER                        AUTH                USERNAME                    AGE
1    docker-hub              Docker Hub Public       <none>                        <none>              <none>                      575d
2    docker-hub-registry     Docker Hub Registry     https://index.docker.io/v1/   Username/Password   dev99                       574d
7    gitlab-registry         GitLab Registry         https://registry.gitlab.com   Username/Password   gitlab+deploy-token-92161   505d
11   google-cloud-registry   Google Cloud Registry   https://gcr.io                Json Key            <none>                      504d
12   docker-registry-token   Docker Registry Token   https://index.docker.io/v1/   Username/Password   dev99                       278d
20   docker-dev77            docker-dev77            https://index.docker.io/v1/   Username/Password   dev77                       now

Configuring Git Vcs

Git VCS configuration allows to pull source code in CI/CD builds from private GIT repositories. A new Git VCS can be defined with command vcs create (or git create). Option --server (or –url) is the URL, hostname, or hostname/path of the Git VCS server, or a well-know provider name. Options ‘-u’, ‘-p’ are for username, and password (or token). Command vcs ls (or git ls), lists configured Git VCS.

#define new Git VCS
ei vcs create github-dev77 --server=github -udev77 -p${GITHUB_TOKEN}
# list Git VCS
ei git ls
ID   NAME           DISPLAYNAME    URL                               AUTH                USERNAME    AGE
1    github         GitHub         https://github.com                OAuth2 Token        dev99       501d
2    gitlab         GitLab         https://gitlab.com                Username/Password   dev99       501d
3    bitbucket      Bit Bucket     https://bitbucket.org/            Username/Password   dev99       501d
4    google         Google Cloud   https://source.cloud.google.com   Json Key            <none>      501d
7    gitlab         GitLab         https://gitlab.com                None (Public)       <none>      278d
12   github-dev77   github-dev77   github                            <none>              dev77       now

Configure Builds (CI/CD Pipelines)

To configure a deployment for image building the general purpose command deploy update can be used. You need to configure the Git repository where source code is pulled (option --repo), the image name+tag to be build (option --buildImage), define and select a registry with appropriate credentials (option --registry), and finally the builder pipeline to use (option --builder). If you are pulling from a private Git repo, you also need to use option --vcs (or --git) to select the Git VCS where the credentials are configured. For example, to build a Java application with Maven build-tool, the pipeline jib-maven-pipeline can be used. It needs to be installed in the space where the build is run, together with the task dependencies git-clone and jib-maven-task.

# update deployment CI/CD details
ei deploy update superheros --builder=jib-maven-pipeline --repo=https://github.com/einnovator/einnovator-sample-superheros \
 --buildImage=einnovator/einnovator-sample-superheros:1.1.1 --registry=dockerhub-dev99 --vcs==github-dev99

A useful way to get/show the CI/CD related details with commands deploy get or deploy list is with option -O=cicd (field/column set cicd) in block format with option -b (same as -o=block).

# show CI/CD related details for deployment  
ei deploy get superheros -O=cicd -b

ID            441
NAME          superheros
BUILDER       jib-maven-pipeline
REPO          https://github.com/einnovator/einnovator-sample-superheros
VCS           github-dev99
BUILDIMAGE    einnovator/einnovator-sample-superheros:1.1.1
REGISTRY      dockerhub-dev99
WORKSPACE     VolumeTemplate
WEBHOOK       <none>

By default, the CI/CD pipeline execution (called PipelineRun in Tekton) is configured with a workspace that allocates a new temporary volume that is released automatically when the build is deleted. The default size for these volumes is 1Gi. You can change this with option --wsize. You can also use an existing volume (claim) by setting option --ws (and, optionally, --subpath for the working directory).

# update CI/CD workspace size
ei deploy update superheros --wsize=2Gi

# update CI/CD workspace to use existing volume (claim)
ei deploy update superheros --ws=superheros-cicd

Building Docker Images

To start a build manually use command deploy build. If option -d is specified, the deployment is restarted automatically with the new image once the build is completed. Option -o is specified the details of the build are displayed after build is started. Option --track tracks progress of the build.

# start build for deployment
ei deploy build superheros -o
NAME                                     STATUS    MESSAGE             STEP     AGE   DURATION
superheros-jib-maven-pipeline-5ffb6c9d   Running   Progress: 0  done   <none>   now   <none>

To list ongoing or previous builds for a deployment use command build ls [deployId]. Without the optional parameter [deployId] the command lists all builds executed in a space (for deployment, jobs, and cronjobs). You can filter the builds listed by status (with option --status) and by name (with option -q). To remove a previous build, or kill one running, use command build rm (or aliases build delete or build kill).

# list builds for deployment
ei build ls superheros
NAME                                     STATUS      MESSAGE             STEP     AGE   DURATION
superheros-jib-maven-pipeline-5ffb0324   Succeeded   Progress: 2  done   <none>   7h    2m39s
superheros-jib-maven-pipeline-5ffb6c04   Succeeded   Progress: 2  done   <none>   4m    2m14s
superheros-jib-maven-pipeline-5ffb6c9d   Running     Progress: 1  done   <none>   1m    <none>

Configure Webhooks

Builds can be started automatically at git commit time using webhooks. To enable webhooks for a deployment use option -w (or equivalently --webhook or –webhooks) in deploy update. If you want the application to be restarted automatically with the new build image after a successful build use option -d. You also need to configure webhooks for the repository in the web console of the Git VCS (e.g. github, or other). The webhook URL can be obtained from the CI/CD panel of the deployment dashboard in Cloud Manager UI, and it has the from: https://devops.acme.com/api/deployment/{uuid}/build. To enabled webhook security use option --secret. Or the UI, to generate one automatically.

# enable webhooks for automatic build on git commit
ei deploy update superheros -w

# enable webhooks for automatic build on git commit
ei deploy update superheros --ws=superheros-cicd

Installing Marketplace Services

Pre-bundled solutions are useful to install third-party software. Command market (short for marketplace) list all available solutions. Both standalone solutions and catalog solutions are listed. With a parameter market <q> only solutions with name matching the specified query parameter are listed.

# list available solutions
ei market

# list solutions mathing query
ei market nginx
ei market sso
ei market mariadb

Command install is used to install a solution from the marketplace. A mandatory parameter specifies the name. Qualified names of the form catalog/solution match solutions only on the specified catalog. Names of form /solution match only standalone solutions. Unqualified names match both catalog and standalone solution. If multiple matche are found, qualified names need to be used.

#install nginx (from any catalog or standalone solution)
ei install nginx

# install solution from specified catalog
ei install community-charts/mariadb

# install solution from specified catalog
ei install einnovator-solutions/einnovator-sso

# install solution from specified catalog
ei install 3/mysql

# install custom standalone solution
ei install nginx-custom

# install custom standalone solution
ei install acme-backend

Installing CI/CD Pipelines

Run a Job

A Job is a deployment that runs till completion, possibly with multiple instances running in parallel. Command run can also be used to start Jobs if the option -j or -p (or –paralelism) or --completions is specified. Options -p specifies the level of paralelism for a job. If -j is specified, option -k is a short form for option --completions. The --image option is used to specify the Docker image to run as for other deployments types. Arguments are specified after ---.

# run a job till completion
ei run pi -j --image=perl  -- perl -Mbignum=bpi -wle 'print bpi(2000)'
# run a paralellel job
ei run pi -p 3 --image=perl  -- perl -Mbignum=bpi -wle 'print bpi(2000)'
# run a job multiple times
ei run pi -j -k 3 --image=perl  -- perl -Mbignum=bpi -wle 'print bpi(2000)'

To check status and details of running Job use command ps -j.

# list jobs in current space
ei ps -j

To check the list of pod currently running for a job use command pod ls with option -j.

# list pods for a job
ei pod ls pi -j

A Job can also be run with command job create and option --start. If it is created but not started, it is kept in stopped* state (not deployed to the cluster), until it is started. This allow to do setup and update the Job configuration using other commands, such as job update or job env..

# create, configure, and start a job
ei job create pi --image=perl  -- perl -Mbignum=bpi -wle 'print bpi(2000)'
ei job update pi -p 10
ei job env add MAX_TIME 10000
ei start

Schedule a CronJob

A CronJob is a deployment that runs on a selected schedule. Command run can also be used to start CronJobs if the option --schedule is specified. To --image options is used to specify the Docker image to run as for other deployments types. Arguments as specified after ---.

# run a cronjob with a selected schedule, image, and arguments
ei run pi --schedule="0/5 * * * ?" --image=perl  -- perl -Mbignum=bpi -wle 'print bpi(2000)'

To check status and details of running CronJob use command ps -c.

# list cronjobs in current space
ei ps -c

To check the list of jobs currently or recently were schedule to execute the CronJob use command cronjob job ls.

# list jobs recently or current running for scheduled cronjob
ei cronjob job ls pi

A CronJob can also be run with command cronjob create and option --start. If it is created but not started, it is kept in stopped* state (not deployed to the cluster), until it is started. This allow to do setup and update the CronJob configuration using other commands, such as cronjob update or cronjob env.

# create, configure, update, and start a cronjob
ei cronjob create pi --schedule="0/5 * * * ?" --image=perl  -- perl -Mbignum=bpi -wle 'print bpi(2000)'
ei cronjob env add MAX_TIME 100
ei cronjob update pi --schedule="0/10 * * * ?"
ei start

Login and API Commands


Login to server.

Alias: login | l

Usage: login [api]


  • api — URL to any service (e.g. http://localhost:5050, https://devops.acme.com, https://cloud.einnovator.org)

Options: -u | -p | -a

  • -u — Username
  • -p — Password
  • -a — API


# login to local cloud manager API with username/password
ei login -u username -p password -a http://localhost:5050
# login to cloud manager interactively
ei l
Username: admin
API: http://localhost:5050

api [help]

Show help on api – API operations

Alias: api

Usage: api ...


#show api commands
api -h
api help
  api ls        List configured APIs
  api get       Show current API
  api delete    Forget API
  api set       Set current API
  api unset     Unset current API
  api help      Show help on commands for APIs

api ls

List configured APIs.

Alias: api ls | api list

Usage: api ls


# list APIs
ei api ls
Current API: http://localhost:5050
API                             SINGLEUSER
http://localhost:5050           true
https://devops.acme.com         false
https://cloud.einnovator.org    false

api get

Show current API.

Usage: api get


# get current API
ei api get
Current API: http://localhost:5050

api delete

Delete API with specified id.

List APIs after delete, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: api delete | api del | api rm | api remove

Usage: api delete <apiId>


  • apiId — Identifier of API (url | server[:port])

Options: -o

  • -o — Execute pwd after


# delete api with specified server:port
ei api delete localhost:5050

api set

Set current API.

Usage: api set <apiId>


  • apiId — Identifier of API (name | url | server[:port])

Options: -o

  • -o — Execute pwd after


# set current api
ei api set acme.com

api unset

Unsets current API.


# unset current api
ei api unset

token [help]

OAuth Token operations.

Usage: token ...


#show token commands
token -h
token help
  token show      Show Token details
  token delete    Delete Token (Logout)
  token help      Show help on commands for Tokens

token show

token show

Show OAuth Token details for current API.

Usage: token show


# get current Token
ei token get
Token: eyJhbGciO...
Is Expired: false

token delete

Delete Token (logout).

Alias: token delete | token del | token rm | token remove | token logout

Usage: token logout


# delete token (logout)
ei token logout


To run a script use option -e for an inline command, or option -E for a file containing the script. Option -e can be present multiple times in the command-line. Some commands available to support scripts are described below.

ei -e "pwd;ls" -e "cd us-central/dev" -e "pwd"


Set environment variable.


# set variable
set app superheros


Echo expressions.


# show value of variable
echo ${app}

Interactive Mode

To run in interactive mode start with option -i. The benefits of running in interactive mode include:

  • Faster execution when running multiple commands (no 1s delay in starting the tool)
  • Auto-Completion
  • Command History
# start CLI in interactive mode
ei -i

Generic Commands


List resources.

Alias: ls | list

List Spaces, Domains, Registries, or Vcs based on flags. Defaults to list Spaces.

Usage: ls

Options: -n | -c | -d | -r | --reg | --vcs | --git | -o | -O

  • -n — List Spaces
  • -c — List Clusters
  • -d — List Domains
  • -r | --reg — List Registries
  • --vcs | --git — List Git Vcs
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated list of fields


# list spaces in YAML
ei ls -o=yaml

# list clusters with only specified fields
ei ls `-c` -O=name,provider,master

# list Registries and Git Vcs
ls --reg --git


Change current Space (and Cluster).

If argument as format cluster/space changes cluster and space.

If argument as format cluster/ changes cluster.

If argument has format space change to space in current cluster.

Usage: cd <spaceId>


  • spaceId — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid)

Options: -w

  • -w — Show current default/parent resources


# change current space
ei cd us-central/dev -w
API: https://cm.acme.org
Cluster: us-central
Space: us-central/dev


Show current default/parent resources.

Show current resources: Cluster, Space, Domain, Registry, Catalog

Usage: pwd


# show current setting
ei pwd
API: https://cloud.einnovator.org
Cluster: us-central
Space: us-central/test
Domain: 1


List Deployments (or Jobs or CronJobs)

Usage: ps

Options: -d | -j | -c | -a | -r

  • -d — List Deployments
  • -j — List Jobs
  • -c — List CronJobs
  • -a — List All (Deployment, Jobs, and CronJobs)
  • -r — List only Deployments with status Running, and CronsJobs with status running/non-suspended


# list Jobs and CronJobs
ei ps `-j` -c
3    pi     pi            Job    Completed

1    hello   hello         Stopped   false
# list all with status running
ei ps -a -r
451   superheros   superheros    Deployment   Running   1           1         1
469   cm           cm            Deployment   Running   1           1         1
486   nginx        Nginx         Deployment   Running   1           1         1


Create and run Deployment (or Job or CronJob)

To create and run a Job use options -j.

To create and schedule a CronJob use option -c.

Define service ports with options --ports=port:targetPort[,...].

Set environment variables with option --env and key=value[,...] pairs.

Set mounts with option --mount with value name:/mountPath=size for volume mounts (size defaults to 1Gi).

Use mount syntax ^configmap.key[+key...] for ConfigMap mounts.

Use mount syntax ^^secret.key[+key...] for Secret mounts.

Get/show after operation, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Usage: run <name> [image]


  • name — Name of Deployment/Job/CronJob
  • image — Docker image to use

Options: --image | --ports | --port | -r | --host | -d | --domain | -k | -j | -p | --parallelism | --completions | -c | --schedule | --env | --mounts | --mount | --builder | --buildImage | --repo | --repository | --registry | --reg | --vcs | --git | --wsize | --ws | --subpath | --wh | --webhook | --webhooks | --wd | --props* | --track | -n | -o | -O

--imageDocker image to use
--ports | --portService Ports (e.g. –ports=port:target[,…])
-r | --hostCreate Route for Deployment
-d | --domainDomain of the Route. Defaults to current Domain.
-kScale Deployment to this pod/instance/replica count; or Job with this completion count
-jCreate and run Job
-p | --parallelismCreate and run Job with the specified paralellism (default is 1)
--completionsCreate and run Job with the specified completions
-c | --scheduleCreate and run CronJob
--envEnvironment Variables (e.g. –env=var1=value,var2=^confimap.key,var3=^^secret.key)
--mounts | --mountVolume/ConfigMap/Secret Mounts (e.g. name1:/path1=1Gi,name2:/path2=^configmap.key[+key…],name3:/path3=^^secret.key[+key])
--builderBuilder name (pipeline or task)
--buildImageImage to build (default to run image)
--repo | --repositoryGIT repository to pull source
--registry | --regIdentifier of Registry (name | url | id | uuid)
--vcs | --gitIdentifier of Git Vcs (name | url | id | uuid)
--wsizeSize of volume for CI/CD Workspace
--wsName of existing volume claim for CI/CD Workspace
--subpathPath on the CI/CD Workspace volume for builds
--wh | --webhook | --webhooksEnable webhooks
--wdAuto-deploy after webhook build
--propsDeployment/Job/CronJob properties
--trackTrack progress
-oOutput format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
-ONamed field set or comma-separated list of fields


# change deployment with specified docker image
ei run superheros --image=einnovator/einnovator-sample-superheros -o


Stop or delete Deployment (or Job or CronJob).

By default delete Deployment in cluster only, and sets status to STOPPED. With option -f | –rm | –del it also deletes in Cloud Manager.

Get Deployment after stop or list Deployments in same Space after delete, if output options -o|-O are specified.

To stop/delete a Job use option -j; to stop/delete a CronJob use options -c.

Usage: kill <deployId>


  • deployId — Identifier of Deployment/Job/CronJob (name | id | uuid)

Options: -j |-c| -f | --rm | --del | -o | -O

- -jKill Job
- -cKill CronJob
- -f | --rm | --delDelete on Cloud Manager and cluster.
- -oOutput format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
- -ONamed field set or comma-separated list of fields


# kill deployment on cluster and keep it in state stopped
ei kill superheros
# kill and delete named cronjon and list other cronjobs after
ei kill pi -c -f -o

Cluster Commands

cluster [help]

Show help on commands for Clusters.


#show cluster commands
cluster -h
cluster help
[devops] cluster  --  Cluster operations
  Alias: cluster | clusters
  cluster ls       List Clusters in Cluster
  cluster get      Get Details of Cluster
  cluster schema   Show attributes/properties for Cluster
  cluster create   Create Cluster
  cluster update   Update Cluster
  cluster delete   Delete Cluster
  cluster set      Set current Cluster
  cluster unset    Unset current Cluster
  cluster help     Show help on commands for Clusters

cluster ls

List Clusters.

Alias: cluster ls | cluster list

Usage: cluster ls [q]


  • q — Optional query string (same as option -q)

Options: -q | --provider | --region | --props=...* | -o | -O

  • -q — Query string (matches name substring)
  • --provider — Provider
  • --region — Region
  • --props — any other property of ClusterFilter (cluster schema -f)
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated list of fields


# list clusters matching name query
ei cluster ls dem
ei cluster ls -q=dem
15   demo   Azure Demo US-East   Azure      us-east
26   demo   demo                 AWS        us-east
# list clusters from specified provider
ei cluster ls --provider=azure
15   demo          Azure Demo US-East   Azure      us-east
34   testcluster   azure testcluster    Azure      us-east
# list clusters from specified region
ei cluster ls --region=us-central
ID   NAME                                  DISPLAYNAME         PROVIDER   REGION
13   us-central                            Linode us-central   Linode     us-central
32   cluster-1                             cluster-1           Google     us-central
33   mycluster-free/bu7ahh5d0h3dhiskgmh0   mycluster-free      IBM        us-central
39   lke7914                               us-central          Linode     us-central
# list all clusters
ei cluster ls
ID   NAME                                  DISPLAYNAME                          PROVIDER       REGION
3    eu-central                            DO EU Central                        DigitalOcean   eu-central
4    eu-central-de                         EU Central - DE                      EInnovator     eu-central-de
5    us-east                               US East                              EInnovator     us-east
6    us-west                               US West                              EInnovator     us-west
7    uk                                    UK                                   EInnovator     uk
8    eu-central-nl                         EU Central - NL                      EInnovator     eu-central-nl
9    asia-sg                               Asia South-East - SG                 EInnovator     asia-sg
10   india                                 India                                EInnovator     india
13   us-central                            Linode us-central                    Linode         us-central
15   demo                                  Azure Demo US-East                   Azure          us-east
18   mac                                   MacLocal                             OnPremise      <none>
26   demo                                  demo                                 AWS            us-east
32   cluster-1                             cluster-1                            Google         us-central
33   mycluster-free/bu7ahh5d0h3dhiskgmh0   mycluster-free                       IBM            us-central
34   testcluster                           azure testcluster                    Azure          us-east
35   k8s-1-19-3-do-2-sfo2-1605015695454    k8s-1-19-3-do-2-sfo2-1605015695454   DigitalOcean   us-west
39   lke7914                               us-central                           Linode         us-central

cluster get

Get Details of Cluster.

Alias: cluster get

Usage: cluster get <clusterId>


  • clusterId — Identifier of Cluster (name | id | uuid)

Options: -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated get of fields


# get cluster with specified name
ei cluster get us-central
13   us-central   Linode us-central   Linode     us-central
# get cluster by id all fields
ei cluster get 18 -oyaml

cluster view

View Cluster dashboard in web browser.

If clusterId is not specified, defaults to current Cluster if any.

Requires environment where a default web-browser is configured and can be started/open.

You need to login via the web-browser the first time to start a web session in Cloud Manager.

Alias: cluster view

Usage: cluster view [clusterId]


  • clusterId — Identifier of Cluster (name | id | uuid)


# open web browser (tab) and view cluster dashboard in CloudManager UI
ei cluster view demo
# open web browser (tab) and view current cluster dashboard in CloudManager UI
ei cluster view

cluster create

Create/Import Cluster with given name.

If a kubeconfig file is available for the cluster, use option -f.

Get/Show Cluster after create, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: cluster create | cluster add | cluster import

Usage: cluster create <name>


  • name — Name of the Cluster

Options: -f | --props=...* | -o | -O

  • -f — kubeconfig file to import details (e.g. ~/.kube/config)
  • --props — any property of Cluster (cluster schema)
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated create of fields


# import cluster with details specified in kubeconfig file
ei cluster import -f ~/.kube/config
13   us-central   Linode us-central   Linode     us-central
# create named cluster
ei cluster create onpremises --masterURL=https://k8s.acme.org --token=${K8S_TOKEN}

cluster update

Update Cluster with specified id.

Get/Show Cluster after update, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: cluster update

Usage: cluster update <clusterId>


  • clusterId — Identifier of Cluster (name | id | uuid)

Options: -f | --props=...* | -o | -O

  • -f — kubeconfig file to import details (e.g. ~/.kube/config)
  • --props — any property of Cluster (cluster schema)
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated update of fields


# update cluster provider and region
ei cluster update dev --provider=ibm --region=us-central
# update cluster token
ei cluster update onpremises --token=${K8S_TOKEN}

cluster delete

Delete Cluster with specified id.

List Clusters after delete, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: cluster delete | cluster del | cluster remove | cluster rm

Usage: cluster delete <clusterId>


  • clusterId — Identifier of Cluster (name | id | uuid)

Options: -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated delete of fields


# delete cluster with specified name
ei cluster delete us-central
# delete cluster by id, list other clusters after
ei cluster delete 18 -o

cluster set

Set current Cluster.

Used as default for resolving Space names without prefix cluster/.

Usage: cluster set <clusterId>


  • clusterId — Identifier of Cluster (name | id | uuid)

Options: -o

  • -o — Execute pwd after


# set current cluster
ei cluster set us-central/dev

cluster unset

Unsets current Cluster.

Spaces need to be qualified with prefix cluster/.


# unset current cluster
ei cluster unset

cluster schema

Show attributes/properties for Cluster.

Alias: cluster schema | cluster meta

Usage: cluster schema

Options: -f | -g

  • -f — Show attributes/properties of ClusterFilter
  • -g — Show attributes/properties of ClusterOptions


# show schema of cluster filter
ei cluster schema -f

Space Commands

space [help]

Show help on commands for Spaces.

Alias: space | spaces | namespace | namespaces | ns

Usage: space ...


#show space commands
space -h
space help
  space ls        List Spaces
  space get       Get Details of Space
  space view      View Space dashboard in web browser
  space schema    Show attributes/properties of Space
  space create    Create Space
  space update    Update Space
  space delete    Delete Space
  space attach    Attach Space from Cluster
  space set       Set current Space
  space unset     Unset current Space
  space auth      Space Collaborator Authorities operations
  space help      Show help on commands for Spaces

space ls

List Spaces.

Alias: space ls | space list

Usage: space ls [q]


  • q — Optional query string (same as option -q)

Options: -q | --provider | --region | --props=...* | -n | -o | -O

  • -q — Query string (matches name substring)
  • --provider — Provider
  • --region — Region
  • --props — any other property of SpaceFilter (space schema -f)
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated list of fields


# list spaces matching name query
ei space ls test
ei space ls -q=test
36   test-uscentral   test-uscentral   us-central   Linode     us-central
56   test             test             demo         Azure      us-east
58   test             test             us-central   Linode     us-central
# list all spaces
ei space ls
ID   NAME             DISPLAYNAME            CLUSTER                               PROVIDER       REGION
5    einnovator       EInnovator             eu-central                            DigitalOcean   eu-central
36   test-uscentral   test-uscentral         us-central                            Linode         us-central
39   rook-ceph        rook-ceph              us-central                            Linode         us-central
48   einnovator       EInnovator USCentral   us-central                            Linode         us-central
56   test             test                   demo                                  Azure          us-east
58   test             test                   us-central                            Linode         us-central
59   kops             kops                   us-central                            Linode         us-central
60   dev              Development            us-central                            Linode         us-central
61   devops           devops                 mycluster-free/bu7ahh5d0h3dhiskgmh0   IBM            us-central
62	 qa               QA                     demo                                  Azure          us-east
64   devops           devops                 us-central                            Linode         us-central
65   einnovator       einnovator             k8s-1-19-3-do-2-sfo2-1607603553369    DigitalOcean   us-west

space get

Get Details of Space.

Options: o=wide|yaml|json|raw

space view

View Space dashboard in web browser.

If spaceId is not specified, defaults to current Space if any.

Requires environment where a default web-browser is configured and can be started/open.

You need to login via the web-browser the first time to start a web session in Cloud Manager.

Alias: space view

Usage: space view [spaceId]


  • spaceId — Identifier of Space (name | id | uuid)


# open web browser (tab) and view current space dashboard in CloudManager UI
ei space view
# open web browser (tab) and view space dashboard in CloudManager UI
ei space view us-central/dev

space create

Create Space.

Alias: space create

Example 1: ei space import demo

space update

Update Space.

Example 1: ei space update demo

space create

Create/Import Space with given name.

If a kubeconfig file is available for the space, use option -f.

Get/Show Space after create, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: space create

Usage: space create <name>


  • name — Name of the Space

Options: --props=...* | -o | -O

  • --props — any property of Space (space schema)
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated create of fields


# create space
ei space create dev --displayName=Development
13   us-central   Linode us-central   Linode     us-central
# create space
ei space create us-central/prod --displayName="Prod US-Central"

space update

Update Space with specified id.

Get/Show Space after update, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: space update

Usage: space update <spaceId>


  • spaceId — Identifier of Space (name | id | uuid)

Options: --props=...* | -o | -O

  • --props — any property of Space (space schema)
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated update of fields


# update space displayName
ei space update dev --displayName=Development
# update space
ei space update dev

space delete

Delete Space with specified id.

List Spaces in same Space after delete, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: space delete | space del | space remove | space rm

Usage: space delete <spaceId>


  • spaceId — Identifier of Space (name | id | uuid)

Options: -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated delete of fields


# delete space with specified name
ei space delete us-central
# delete space by id, list other spaces after
ei space delete 18 -o

space attach

Attach Space from Cluster.

Example 1: ei space attach demo

space set

Set current Space.

Implicitly sets also the current Cluster.

Used as default for resolving namespaced resources (e.g. Deployments, Jobs, CronJobs).

Usage: space set <spaceId>


  • spaceId — Identifier of Space (name | id | uuid)

Options: -o

  • -o — Execute pwd after


# set current space
ei space set us-central/dev

space unset

Unsets current Space.

Namespaced resources need to be qualified with option -n|–ns.


# unset current space
ei space unset

space schema

Show attributes/properties for Space.

Alias: space schema | space meta

Usage: space schema

Options: -f | -g

  • -f — Show attributes/properties of SpaceFilter
  • -g — Show attributes/properties of SpaceOptions


# show schema of space filter
ei space schema -f

Space Collaborator Authority Commands

space auth [help]

Show help on commands for Space Authorities.

Alias: space auth | space collaborator

Usage: space auth ...


#show space commands
space auth -h
space auth help
  space auth ls        List Collaborator Authorities of Space
  space auth get       Get Collaborator Authority of Space
  space auth schema    Show attributes/properties of Authority
  space auth add       Add Collaborator Authority to Space
  space auth update    Update Collaborator Authority of Space
  space auth resend    Resend notification of Collaborator Authority of Space
  space auth delete    Delete Collaborator Authority of Space
  space auth help      Show help on commands for Space Authorities

space auth ls

List Collaborator Authorities of Space.

Alias: space auth ls | space auth list

Usage: space auth ls [spaceId]

Args: - spaceId — Identifier of Space (name | id | uuid)

Options: -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated list of fields


# list authorities of current space
ei space auth ls
dev99                         true
admin                true     true   true
mike00                        true
guest                                true
# list authorities in specified space
ei space auth ls us-central/prod

space auth get

Get Details of Space Authority.

Alias: space auth get

Usage: space auth get [spaceId] <authId>

Args: - spaceId — Identifier of Space (name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified). - authId — Identifier of Authority (id | uuid | username | group)

Options: -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated get of fields


# get authorities of specified user in current space
ei space auth get dev99
dev99                         true

space auth add

Add Authority to Space with specified properties.

Get/show after create, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: space auth add | space auth create

Usage: space auth add [spaceId]

Args: - spaceId — Identifier of Space (name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).

Options: -u | -g | --manager | --manage | --dev | --developer | --write | --auditor | --read | --props=...* | -o | -O

  • -u — Collaborator username
  • -g — Collaborator group
  • --manager | --manage — Assign manager role
  • --dev | --developer | --write — Assign developer role
  • --auditor | --read — Assign auditor role
  • --props — Key-value pairs for Authority properties
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated add of fields


# add authority to user in current space
ei space auth add -u=dev99 --dev -o
# add authority to user in specified space
ei space auth add us-central/prod -u=admin --manage

space auth update

Update properties of Authority of Space with specified id.

Get/show after update, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: space auth update

Usage: space auth update <spaceId> <authId>

Args: - spaceId — Identifier of Space (name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified). - authId — Identifier of Authority (id | uuid | username | group)

Options: -u | -g | --manager | --manage | --dev | --developer | --write | --auditor | --read | --props=...* | -o | -O

  • -u — Collaborator username
  • -g — Collaborator group
  • --manager | --manage — Assign manager role
  • --dev | --developer | --write — Assign developer role
  • --auditor | --read — Assign auditor role
  • --props — Key-value pairs for Authority properties
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated update of fields


# update authority of specified user in current space
ei space auth update -u=dev99 --manage -o

space auth resend

Resend notification of Authority of Space with specified id.

Get/show after resend, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: space auth resend

Usage: space auth resend [spaceId] <authId>

Args: - spaceId — Identifier of Space (name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified). - authId — Identifier of Authority (id | uuid | username | group)

Options: -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated resend of fields


# resend authority to specified user in current space
ei space auth resend -u=dev99

space auth delete

Delete Authority of Space with specified id.

List after delete, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: space auth delete | space auth del | space auth remove | space auth rm

Usage: space auth delete [spaceId] <authId>

Args: - spaceId — Identifier of Space (name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified). - authId — Identifier of Authority (id | uuid | username | group)

Options: -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated delete of fields


# remove authority from specified user in current space
ei space auth delete dev99
ei space auth rm guess

space auth schema

Show attributes/properties for Authority.

Deployment Commands

deployment [help]

Show help on commands for Deployment.

Alias: deployment | deploy | deployments | deploys

Usage: deploy ...


#show deployment commands
deploy -h
deploy help
  deploy ls           List Deployments in Space
  deploy get          Get Details of Deployment
  deploy view         View Deployment dashboard in web browser
  deploy schema       Show attributes/properties of Deployment
  deploy create       Create Deployment
  deploy update       Update Deployment
  deploy delete       Delete Deployment
  deploy scale        Scale instance/replica/pod count of Deployment
  deploy resources    Scale resources of Deployment
  deploy start        Start a Deployment
  deploy stop         Stop a Deployment
  deploy restart      Restart a Deployment
  deploy sync         Synchronize Deployment state/details from the cluster
  deploy attach       Attach a Deployment from the cluster
  deploy exec         Execute command on instance/replica/pod of Deployment
  deploy logs         View logs of instance/replica/pod of Deployment
  deploy pod          Operations on instances/replicas/pods of Deployment
  deploy route        Deployment Routes operations
  deploy go           Open web-browser in URL of primary Route of Deployment
  deploy mount        Deployment Mounts operations
  deploy env          Deployment Environment Variables operations
  deploy binding      Deployment Bindings operations
  deploy connector    Deployment Connectors operations
  deploy help         Show help on commands for Deployments

deployment ls

List Deployments in Space.

Alias: deployment ls | deployment list | deploy ls | deploy list |

Usage: deployment ls [q]


  • q — Optional query string (same as option -q)

Options: -q | --kind | --category | --status | --stack | --props=...* | -n | -o | -O

  • -q — Query string (matches name substring)
  • --kind — Kind
  • --category — Category
  • --status — Status
  • --stack — Stack
  • --props — any other property of DeploymentFilter (deployment schema -f)
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated list of fields


# list deployments matching name query
ei deploy ls super
ei deploy ls -q=super
451   superheros   superheros    Deployment   Running   1           1         1
# list all deployment in current space
ei deploy ls
451   superheros       Superheros    Deployment   Running   1           1         1/1     105d
469   cm               cm            Deployment   Running   1           1         1/1     30d
486   nginx            Nginx         Deployment   Running   1           1         1/1     15d
504   heros2           heros2        Deployment   Running   3           3         3/3     5d
506   einnovator-sso   SSO Gateway   Deployment   Running   1           1         1/1     18h
510   home             home          Deployment   Created   <none>      1         0/0     2m

deployment get

Get Details of Deployment.

Alias: deployment get

Usage: deployment get <deployId>


  • deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • --props any property of DeploymentOptions (deployment schema -g)
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated get of fields


# get deployment with specified name
ei deployment get superheros
451   superheros       Superheros    Deployment   Running   1           1         1/1     105d
# get deployment resources
ei deploy get superheros -O=resources
>ei deploy get superheros -O=resources
451   superheros   Superheros    Running   1G       1Gi    1

deployment view

View Deployment dashboard in web browser

Requires environment where a default web-browser is configured and can be started/open.

You need to login via the web-browser the first time to start a web session in Cloud Manager.

Alias: deployment view

Usage: deployment view <deployId>


  • deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n

  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).


# open web browser (tab) and view deployment dashboard in CloudManager UI
ei deploy view superheros

deployment go

Open web-browser in URL of primary Route of Deployment.

Primary route is the one is flag primary, or the first one if none is marked as primary. Requires environment where a default web-browser is configured and can be started/open.

Alias: deployment go | deploy go

Usage: deployment go <deployId> <routeId>+

Usage: route go <deployId> <routeId>


  • deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid)
  • routeId+ — Optional identifier of Route (host | dns | id | uuid).


# open application in browser in primary route url
ei deploy go superheros

deployment create

Create Deployment with given name.

Define service ports with options --ports=port:targetPort[,...].

Set environment variables with option --env and key=value[,...] pairs.

Set mounts with option --mount with value name:/mountPath=size for volume mounts (size defaults to 1Gi).

Use mount syntax ^configmap.key[+key...] for ConfigMap mounts.

Use mount syntax ^^secret.key[+key...] for Secret mounts.

Get/Show Deployment after create, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: deployment create

Usage: deployment create <name> [image]


  • name — Name of the Deployment
  • image — Docker image to use

Options: --image | --ports | --port | --env | --mounts | --mount | -r | --host | -d | --domain | --builder | --buildImage | --repo | --repository | --registry | --reg | --vcs | --git | --wsize | --ws | --subpath | --wh | --webhook | --webhooks | --wd | --props* | -n | --track | -o | -O

--imageDocker image to use
--ports | --portService Ports (e.g. –ports=port:target[,…])
--envEnvironment Variables (e.g. –env=var1=value,var2=^confimap.key,var3=^^secret.key)
--mounts | --mountVolume/ConfigMap/Secret Mounts (e.g. name1:/path1=1Gi,name2:/path2=^configmap.key[+key…],name3:/path3=^^secret.key[+key])
-r | --hostCreate Route for Deployment
-d | --domainDomain of the Route. Defaults to current Domain.
--builderBuilder name (pipeline or task)
--buildImageImage to build (default to run image)
--repo | --repositoryGIT repository to pull source
--registry | --regIdentifier of Registry (name | url | id | uuid)
--vcs | --gitIdentifier of Git Vcs (name | url | id | uuid)
--wsizeSize of volume for CI/CD Workspace
--wsName of existing volume claim for CI/CD Workspace
--subpathPath on the CI/CD Workspace volume for builds
--wh | --webhook | --webhooksEnable webhooks
--wdAuto-deploy after webhook build
- --propsany property of Deployment (deployment schema)
-nIdentifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
-oOutput format (o = wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
-ONamed field set or comma-separated create of fields


# create and start deployment with specified details
ei deployment create superheros --image=einnovator/einnovator-sample-superheros --stack=java --start
# create deployment with specified details
ei deployment create acme --image=acme/acme-home --start

deployment update

Update Deployment with specified id.

Define service ports with options --ports=port:targetPort[,...].

Set environment variables with option --env and key=value[,...] pairs.

Set mounts with option --mount with value name:/mountPath=size for volume mounts (size defaults to 1Gi).

Use mount syntax ^configmap.key[+key...] for ConfigMap mounts.

Use mount syntax ^^secret.key[+key...] for Secret mounts.

Get/Show Deployment after update, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: deployment update

Usage: deployment update <deployId> [image]


  • deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid)
  • image — Docker image to use

Options: --image | --ports | --port | --env | --mounts | --mount | -r | --host | -d | --domain | --builder | --buildImage | --repo | --repository | --registry | --reg | --vcs | --git | --wsize | --ws | --subpath | --wh | --webhook | --webhooks | --wd | --props* | -n | --track | -o | -O

See: Options for deployment create


# update deployment displayName
ei deployment update superheros --displayName=Superheros
# update deployment image version
ei deployment update acme-home --image=acme/home:2.0

deployment delete

Delete Deployment with specified id.

List Deployments after delete, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: deployment delete | deployment del | deployment remove | deployment rm

Usage: deployment delete <deployId>


  • deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid)

Options: -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated delete of fields


# delete deployment with specified name
ei deploy delete superheros
# delete deployment list other deployments after
ei deploy delete superheros -o

deployment schema

Show attributes/properties for Deployment.

Alias: deployment schema | deployment meta

Usage: deployment schema

Options: -f | -g

  • -f — Show attributes/properties of DeploymentFilter
  • -g — Show attributes/properties of DeploymentOptions


# show schema of deployment filter
ei deployment schema -f

deployment attach

Attach Deployment from Cluster.

Alias: deployment attach

Usage: deployment attach <deployId>


  • deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated attach of fields


# attach deployment with specified name
ei deployment attach superheros -o
451   superheros   superheros    Deployment   Running   1           1         1

deployment scale

Scale number of instance/replica/pod count of Deployment.

If current number is lower, create new instance. If current number is higher, shutdown excess instances.

Get/show Deployment after scaling, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Usage: deployment scale <deployId> [count]


  • deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid)
  • count — Number of instance/replica/pod to scale

Options: -k | --replicas | --instances | --track | -n | -o | -O

  • -k | --replicas | --instances Number of instance/replica/pod to scale
  • --track — Track progress
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated scale of fields


# scale deployment with specified name
ei deployment scale superheros 5 --track
451   superheros   superheros    Deployment   Running   5           5         5

deployment resources

Scale memory and ephemeral storage resources of Deployment.

New pods are created with new resource settings, and existing pods are shutdown.

Get/show Deployment after update, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: deployment resources | deployment rscale

Usage: deployment resources <deployId>


  • deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid)

Options: -m | --mem | --memory | --disk | --storage | --cpu | -n | -o | -O

  • -m | --mem | --memory — Memory size (units Gi|G|Mi|M)
  • --disk | --storage — Ephemeral Disk/Storage size (units Gi|G)
  • --cpu — CPU allocation
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated scale of fields


# scale resources of deployment
ei deploy resources superheros -m2Gi -3Gi -O=resources
451   superheros   Superheros    Running   2G       3Gi    1

deployment start

Start a Deployment.

Get/show Deployment after start, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Usage: deployment start <deployId>


  • deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated start of fields


# start deployment
ei deploy start superheros -o
451   superheros   superheros    Deployment   Running   1           1         1

deployment stop

Stop a Deployment.

Get/show Deployment after stop, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Usage: deployment stop <deployId>


  • deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated stop of fields


# stop deployment
ei deploy stop superheros -o
451   superheros   superheros    Deployment   Stopped   0           0         0

deployment restart

Restart a Deployment.

Get/show Deployment after restart, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Usage: deployment restart <deployId>


  • deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated restart of fields


# restart deployment
ei deploy restart superheros -o
451   superheros   superheros    Deployment   Running   1           1         1

deployment sync

Synchronize Deployment state/details from the cluster.

Get/show Deployment after sync, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Usage: deployment sync <deployId>


  • deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated sync of fields


# sync deployment
ei deploy sync superheros -o
451   superheros   superheros    Deployment   Running   1           1         1
# sync deployment
ei deploy sync movies -nus-central/dev

deployment attach

Attach a Deployment from the cluster.

Get/show Deployment after attach, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Usage: deployment attach <deployId>


  • deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated attach of fields


# attach deployment
ei deploy attach superheros -o
451   superheros   superheros    Deployment   Running   1           1         1
# attach deployment
ei deploy movies -nus-central/dev

deployment logs

Show logs of instance/replica/pod of Deployment.

If pod is not specified, the first pod is considered.

Get/show Deployment after logs, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: deploy logs | deploy log

Usage: deploy logs <deployId> [podId]


  • deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid)
  • podId — Pod/Instance name. Defaults to first pod.

Options: -l | --tailLines | --pod | -c | --container | --html | --props* | -n | -o | -O

  • -l | --tailLines — Number of tail lines to show
  • --pod — Pod/Instance name. Defaults to first pod.
  • -c | --container — Container name inside pod/Instance name. Defaults to first container.
  • --html — Show logs as HTML
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated logs of fields


# show log tail for deployment
ei deploy logs superheros -l 10
# show logs of deployment pod
ei deploy logs movies movies-xxxx

deployment exec

Execute command on instance/replica/pod of Deployment

If pod is not specified, the first pod is considered.

Usage: deploy exec <deployId> [podId] -- command args...


  • deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid)
  • podId — Identifier of instance/replica/pod (name | id | uuid). Defaults to first pod.

Options: --pod | --html | -n

  • --pod — Pod/Instance name. Defaults to first pod.
  • --html — Show logs as HTML
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).


# execute command on deployment (first) pod
ei deploy exec nginx -- ls -l /usr/share/nginx/html
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 494 Dec 15 13:59 50x.html
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 612 Dec 15 13:59 index.html
# execute command on deployment (first) pod
ei deploy exec nginx -- cat /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html

deployment build

Start CI/CD build for Deployment.

The deployment needs to be configured with a builder.

Use option -d to (re)deploy after a successful build.

Get/show Build after start, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: deployment build | deploy build

Usage: deploy build <deployId>


  • deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid)

Options: -d | --track | -n | -o | -O

  • -d — (Re)deploy after a successful build
  • --track — Track progress
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated attach of fields


# start build for deployment
ei deploy build superheros
NAME                                     STATUS    MESSAGE             STEP     AGE   DURATION
superheros-jib-maven-pipeline-5ffb6c9d   Running   Progress: 0  done   <none>   now   <none>

Deployment Events Commands

deployment event [help]

Show help on commands for Deployment Events.

Alias: deployment event

Usage: deployment event ...


#show deployment commands
deployment event -h
deployment event help
deployment event
  deployment event ls        List Events of Deployment
  deployment event schema    Show attributes/properties of Event
  deployment event delete    Delete Event of Deployment
  deployment event help      Show help on commands for Deployment Events

deployment event ls

List Events of Deployment.

Alias: deployment event ls | deployment event list

Usage: deployment event ls <deployId>

Args: - deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid)

Options: -c | -n | -o | -O

  • -c — List cluster-level events
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated list of fields


# list event for deployment
ei deploy event ls superheros
Restarted         1d    dev99
Updated           1d    dev99      Mount Updated : data
Started           1d    dev99
Scaled Replicas   1d    dev99      2
Updated           2d    dev99      Variable Removed : SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE
Updated           3d    dev99      Binding Added : documents
Updated           3d    dev99      Variable Added : SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE

deployment event delete

Delete Event of Deployment with specified id.

List after delete, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: deploy event delete | deploy event del | deploy event remove | deploy event rm

Usage: deployment event delete <deployId> <eventId>

Args: - deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid) - eventId — Identifier of Event (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated delete of fields


# delete event of deployment
ei deploy event delete superheros data

deployment event schema

Show attributes/properties for Event.

Route Commands

route [help]

Show help on commands for Deployment Routes.

Alias: route help | deployment route help

ei deploy help
ei deploy -h
ei deploy
[devops]  deployment route  --  Deployment Routes operations

  **Usage:** deployment route ...

  deployment route ls        List Routes of Deployment
  deployment route get       Get Route of Deployment
  deployment route schema    Show attributes/properties for Route
  deployment route add       Add Route to Deployment
  deployment route update    Update Route of Deployment
  deployment route delete    Delete Route of Deployment
  deployment route help      Show help on commands for Deployment Routes

route ls

List Routes of Deployment.

Alias: route ls | route list | deployment route ls | deployment route list | deploy route ls | deploy route list

Usage: deployment route ls <deployId>


  • deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated kill of fields
# list DNS routes of deployment 
ei route ls superheros
ID    HOST         DNS                                 DOMAIN                   TLS
106   superheros   superheros.samples.nativex.cloud    samples.nativex.cloud    false
107   superheros   superheros.test.nativex.cloud       test.nativex.cloud       true
108   superheros   superheros.samples.einnovator.org   samples.einnovator.org   true
109   superheros   superheros.einnovator.org           einnovator.org           true

route get

Get Details of Deployment.

Alias: route get | deployment route get | deploy route get

Usage: route get <deployId> <routeId>


  • deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid)
  • routeId — Identifier of Route (host | dns | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated kill of fields


# get DNS route of deployment 
ei route get superheros 7
ID   HOST         DNS                             DOMAIN               TLS
7    superheros   superheros.test.nativex.cloud   test.nativex.cloud   true
# get DNS route of deployment 
ei route get superheros superheros.test.nativex.cloud
ID   HOST         DNS                             DOMAIN               TLS
7    superheros   superheros.test.nativex.cloud   test.nativex.cloud   true
# get DNS route of deployment 
ei route get superheros heros
ID    HOST         DNS                             DOMAIN               TLS
107   heros        heros.test.nativex.cloud        test.nativex.cloud   true

route go

Open route url in web-browser.

Alias: route go | deployment route go | deploy route go

Usage: route go <deployId> <routeId>

Usage: deployment route go <deployId> <routeId>


  • deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid)
  • routeId — Identifier of Route (host | dns | id | uuid)

Options: -n

  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).


# get DNS route of deployment 
ei route fo superheros 7

route create

Add Route to Deployment with specified host and properties. Option -d specified Domain. Defaults to current Domain. A Kubernetes ingress is created for the Route. If –sharedIngress=true is specified a common ingress is used. If domain uses TLS, a secret is created for the certificate. Get/show done after create, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: route create | deployment route create | deploy route create

Usage: route create <deployId> <host>

Usage: deployment route create <deployId> <host>


  • deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid)
  • host — Hostname of the Route

Options: -d | --props* | -n | -o | -O

  • -d — Identifier of Domain (name | url | id | uuid). Defaults to current Domain, if not specified.
  • --props — Route properties
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated kill of fields


# add route using specified domain
ei route add superheros heros -d demo.nativex.cloud

# add route using default domain
ei route add superheros heros

route update

Update properties of Route of Deployment with specified id. Option -d specified Domain. Defaults to current Domain. Get/show after update, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: route update | deployment route update | deploy route update

Usage: route update <deployId> <routeId>

Usage: deployment route update <deployId> <routeId>


  • deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid)
  • routeId — Identifier of Route (host | dns | id | uuid)

Options: -d | --props* | -n | -o | -O

  • -d — Identifier of Domain (name | url | id | uuid). Defaults to current Domain, if not specified.
  • --props — Route properties
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated kill of fields


# add route using specified domain
ei route update superheros heros --tls

route delete

Delete Deployment.

Alias: route delete | route del | route remove | route rm | deployment route delete | deploy route delete | deployment route del | deploy route del | deployment route remove | deploy route remove | deployment route rm | deploy route rm

Usage: route rm <deployId> <routeId>

Usage: deployment route rm <deployId> <routeId>


  • deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid)
  • routeId — Identifier of Route (host | dns | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated kill of fields


# delete route of deployment
ei route rm superheros heros
# delete route of deployment
ei route rm superheros superheros.test.nativex.cloud
# delete route of deployment
ei route rm superheros 7

route schema

Show attributes/properties for Route.

Alias: route schema | deployment route schema | deploy route schema

Usage: route schema

Jobs Commands

job [help]

Show help on commands for Jobs.

Alias: job |jobs

Usage: job ...


#show job commands
job -h
job help
  job ls           List Jobs in Space
  job get          Get Details of Job
  job view         View Job dashboard in web browser
  job schema       Show attributes/properties of Job
  job create       Create Job
  job update       Update Job
  job delete       Delete Job
  job resources    Scale resources of Job
  job start        Start a Job
  job stop         Stop a Job
  job restart      Restart a Job
  job sync         Synchronize Job state/details from the cluster
  job exec         Execute command on instance/replica/pod of Job
  job logs         View logs of instance/replica/pod of Job
  job pod          Operations on instances/replicas/pods of Job
  job mount        Job Mounts operations
  job env          Job Environment Variables operations
  job binding      Job Bindings operations
  job help         Show help on commands for Jobs

job ls

List Jobs in Space.

Alias: job ls | job list | deploy ls | deploy list |

Usage: job ls [q]


  • q — Optional query string (same as option -q)

Options: -q | --status | --stack | --props=...* | -n | -o | -O

  • -q — Query string (matches name substring)
  • --status — Status
  • --stack — Stack
  • --props — any other property of JobFilter (job schema -f)
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated list of fields


# list jobs with matching status
ei job ls --status=completed
3    pi     pi            Job    Completed
# list all jobs in current space
ei job ls
ID       NAME            DISPLAYNAME     KIND   STATUS    AGE
3        pi              pi              Job    Stopped   111d
<none>   pi-1609928700   pi-1609928700   Job    Running   1h

job get

Get Details of Job.

Alias: job get

Usage: job get <jobId>


  • jobId — Identifier of Job (name | id | uuid)

Options: -o | -O

  • --props any property of JobOptions (job schema -g)
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated get of fields


# get job with specified name
ei job get pi
ID       NAME            DISPLAYNAME     KIND   STATUS    AGE
3        pi              pi              Job    Stopped   111d
# get job by name all fields
ei job get pi -O=resources
3    pi     pi            Completed   1Gi      1Gi    1

job view

View Job dashboard in web browser

Requires environment where a default web-browser is configured and can be started/open.

You need to login via the web-browser the first time to start a web session in Cloud Manager.

Alias: job view

Usage: job view <jobId>


  • jobId — Identifier of Job (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n

  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).


# open web browser (tab) and view job dashboard in CloudManager UI
ei job view pi

job create

Create Job with given name.

Set environment variables with option --env and key=value[,...] pairs.

Set mounts with option --mount with value name:/mountPath=size for volume mounts (size defaults to 1Gi).

Use mount syntax ^configmap.key[+key...] for ConfigMap mounts.

Use mount syntax ^^secret.key[+key...] for Secret mounts.

Get/Show Job after create, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: job create

Usage: job create <name> [image]


  • name — Name of the Job
  • image — Docker image to use

Options: --image | -p | --parallelism | --completions | --env | --mounts | --mount | --builder | --buildImage | --repo | --repository | --registry | --reg | --vcs | --git | --wsize | --ws | --subpath | --wh | --webhook | --webhooks | --wd | --props* | -n | --track | -o | -O

--imageDocker image to use
-p | --parallelismLevel of paralellism (default is 1)
--completionsNumber of completions (default is 1)
--envEnvironment Variables (e.g. –env=var1=value,var2=^confimap.key,var3=^^secret.key)
--mounts | --mountVolume/ConfigMap/Secret Mounts (e.g. name1:/path1=1Gi,name2:/path2=^configmap.key[+key…],name3:/path3=^^secret.key[+key])
--builderBuilder name (pipeline or task)
--buildImageImage to build (default to run image)
--repo | --repositoryGIT repository to pull source
--registry | --regIdentifier of Registry (name | url | id | uuid)
--vcs | --gitIdentifier of Git Vcs (name | url | id | uuid)
--wsizeSize of volume for CI/CD Workspace
--wsName of existing volume claim for CI/CD Workspace
--subpathPath on the CI/CD Workspace volume for builds
--wh | --webhook | --webhooksEnable webhooks
--wdAuto-deploy after webhook build
- --propsany property of Job (job schema)
-nIdentifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
-oOutput format (o = wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
-ONamed field set or comma-separated create of fields


# create and start job with specified details
ei job create pi --image=perl  -- perl -Mbignum=bpi -wle 'print bpi(2000)'

job update

Update Job with specified id.

Set environment variables with option --env and key=value[,...] pairs.

Set mounts with option --mount with value name:/mountPath=size for volume mounts (size defaults to 1Gi).

Use mount syntax ^configmap.key[+key...] for ConfigMap mounts.

Use mount syntax ^^secret.key[+key...] for Secret mounts.

Get/Show Job after update, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: job update

Usage: job update <jobId> [image]


  • jobId — Identifier of Job (name | id | uuid)
  • image — Docker image to use

Options: --image | -p | --parallelism | --completions | --env | --mounts | --mount | --builder | --buildImage | --repo | --repository | --registry | --reg | --vcs | --git | --wsize | --ws | --subpath | --wh | --webhook | --webhooks | --wd | --props* | -n | --track | -o | -O

See: Options for job create


# update job displayName
ei job update pi --displayName=PI
# update job image version
ei job update pi-optimized --image=acme/pi:2.0

job delete

Delete Job with specified id.

List Jobs after delete, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: job delete | job del | job remove | job rm

Usage: job delete <jobId>


  • jobId — Identifier of Job (name | id | uuid)

Options: -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated delete of fields


# delete job with specified name
ei job delete pi
# delete job list other jobs after
ei job delete pi -o

job resources

Scale memory and ephemeral storage resources of Job.

New pods are created with new resource settings, and existing pods are shutdown.

Get/show Job after update, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: job resources | job rscale

Usage: job resources <jobId>


  • jobId — Identifier of Job (name | id | uuid)

Options: -m | --mem | -d | --disk | --storage | -n | -o | -O

  • -m | --mem — Memory size (units Gi|G|Mi|M)
  • -d | --disk | --storage — Ephemeral Disk/Storage size (units Gi|G)
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated scale of fields


# scale resources of job
ei job resources pi -m2Gi -3Gi -O=resources

job start

Start a Job.

Get/show Job after start, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Usage: job start <jobId>


  • jobId — Identifier of Job (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated start of fields


# start job
ei job start superheros -o

job stop

Stop a Job.

Get/show Job after stop, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Usage: job stop <jobId>


  • jobId — Identifier of Job (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated stop of fields


# stop job
ei job stop superheros -o
451   pi   pi    Job   Stopped   0           0         0

job restart

Restart a Job.

Get/show Job after restart, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Usage: job restart <jobId>


  • jobId — Identifier of Job (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated restart of fields


# restart job
ei job restart superheros -o

job sync

Synchronize Job state/details from the cluster.

Get/show Job after sync, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Usage: job sync <jobId>


  • jobId — Identifier of Job (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated sync of fields


# sync job
ei job sync pi -o
# sync job
ei job sync pi -nus-central/dev

job attach

Attach a Job from the cluster.

Get/show Job after attach, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Usage: job attach <jobId>


  • jobId — Identifier of Job (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated attach of fields


# attach job
ei job attach pi -o
# attach job
ei job pi -nus-central/dev

job exec

Execute command on instance/replica/pod of Job

If pod is not specified, the first pod is considered.

Usage: job exec <jobId> [podId] -- command args...


  • jobId — Identifier of Job (name | id | uuid)
  • podId — Identifier of instance/replica/pod (name | id | uuid). Defaults to first pod.

Options: --pod | --html | -n

  • --pod — Pod/Instance name. Defaults to first pod.
  • --html — Show logs as HTML
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).


# execute command on job (first) pod
ei job exec nginx -- ls -l /usr/share/nginx/html
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 494 Dec 15 13:59 50x.html
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 612 Dec 15 13:59 index.html
# execute command on job (first) pod
ei job exec nginx -- cat /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html

job logs

Show logs of instance/replica/pod of Job.

If pod is not specified, the first pod is considered.

Get/show Job after logs, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: job logs | job log

Usage: job logs <jobId> [podId]


  • jobId — Identifier of Job (name | id | uuid)
  • podId — Pod/Instance name. Defaults to first pod.

Options: -l | --tailLines | --pod | -c | --container | --html | --props* | -n | -o | -O

  • -l | --tailLines — Number of tail lines to show
  • --pod — Pod/Instance name. Defaults to first pod.
  • -c | --container — Container name inside pod/Instance name. Defaults to first container.
  • --html — Show logs as HTML
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated logs of fields


# show log tail for job
ei job logs pi -l 10

job build

Start CI/CD build for Job.

The Job needs to be configured with a builder.

Get/show Build after start, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: job build | job build

Usage: job build <jobId>


  • jobId — Identifier of Job (name | id | uuid)

Options: --track | -n | -o | -O

  • --track — Track progress
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated attach of fields


# start build for job

Job Events Commands

job event [help]

Show help on commands for Job Events.

Alias: job event

Usage: job event ...


#show job commands
job event -h
job event help
job event
  job event ls        List Events of Job
  job event schema    Show attributes/properties of Event
  job event delete    Delete Event of Job
  job event help      Show help on commands for Job Events

job event ls

List Events of Job.

Alias: job event ls | job event list

Usage: job event ls <jobId>

Args: - jobId — Identifier of Job (name | id | uuid)

Options: -c | -n | -o | -O

  • -c — List cluster-level events
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated list of fields


# list event for job
ei job event ls superheros

job event delete

Delete Event of Job with specified id.

List after delete, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: job event delete | job event del | job event remove | job event rm

Usage: job event delete <jobId> <eventId>

Args: - jobId — Identifier of Job (name | id | uuid) - eventId — Identifier of Event (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated delete of fields


# delete event of job
ei job event delete superheros data

job event schema

Show attributes/properties for Event.

job pod

List instances/replicas/pods of Job

job schema

Show attributes/properties for Job.

Alias: job schema | job meta

Usage: job schema

Options: -f | -g

  • -f — Show attributes/properties of JobFilter
  • -g — Show attributes/properties of JobOptions


# show schema of job filter
ei job schema -f

CronJob Commands

cronjob [help]

Show help on commands for CronJobs.

Alias: cronjob |cronjobs

Usage: cronjob ...


#show cronjob commands
cronjob -h
cronjob help
  cronjob ls           List CronJobs in Space
  cronjob get          Get Details of CronJob
  cronjob view         View CronJob dashboard in web browser
  cronjob schema       Show attributes/properties of Cronjob
  cronjob create       Create CronJob
  cronjob update       Update CronJob
  cronjob delete       Delete CronJob
  cronjob job          Operations on instances/replicas/jobs of Cronjob
  cronjob resources    Scale resources of Cronjob
  cronjob start        Start a Cronjob
  cronjob stop         Stop a Cronjob
  cronjob suspend      Suspend a Cronjob
  cronjob restart      Restart a Cronjob
  cronjob sync         Synchronize Cronjob state/details from the cluster
  cronjob mount        CronJob Mounts operations
  cronjob env          CronJob Environment Variables operations
  cronjob binding      CronJob Bindings operations
  cronjob help         Show help on commands for Cronjobs

cronjob ls

List CronJobs in Space.

Alias: cronjob ls | cronjob list | deploy ls | deploy list |

Usage: cronjob ls [q]


  • q — Optional query string (same as option -q)

Options: -q | --status | --stack | --props=...* | -n | -o | -O

  • -q — Query string (matches name substring)
  • --status — Status
  • --stack — Stack
  • --props — any other property of CronJobFilter (cronjob schema -f)
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated list of fields


# list cronjobs with matching status
ei cronjob ls --status=stopped
1    hello   hello         CronJob   */1 * * * *   Stopped   false     <none>   <none>           110d
# list all cronjobs in current space
ei cronjob ls
1    hello   hello         CronJob   */1 * * * *   Stopped   false     <none>   <none>           110d
17   pi      pi            CronJob   0/5 * * * ?   Active    false     <none>   3m               23h

cronjob get

Get Details of CronJob.

Alias: cronjob get

Usage: cronjob get <cronjobId>


  • cronjobId — Identifier of CronJob (name | id | uuid)

Options: -o | -O

  • --props any property of CronJobOptions (cronjob schema -g)
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated get of fields


# get cronjob with specified name
ei cronjob get pi
17   pi      pi            CronJob   0/5 * * * ?   Active    false     <none>   3m               23h
# get cronjob resources
ei cronjob get hello -O=resources
ei cronjob get hello -O=resources
1    hello   hello         Stopped   false     1Gi      1Gi    1

cronjob view

View CronJob dashboard in web browser

Requires environment where a default web-browser is configured and can be started/open.

You need to login via the web-browser the first time to start a web session in Cloud Manager.

Alias: cronjob view

Usage: cronjob view <cronjobId>


  • cronjobId — Identifier of CronJob (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n

  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).


# open web browser (tab) and view cronjob dashboard in CloudManager UI
ei cronjob view superheros

cronjob create

Create CronJob with given name.

Set environment variables with option --env and key=value[,...] pairs.

Set mounts with option --mount with value name:/mountPath=size for volume mounts (size defaults to 1Gi).

Use mount syntax ^configmap.key[+key...] for ConfigMap mounts.

Use mount syntax ^^secret.key[+key...] for Secret mounts.

Get/Show CronJob after create, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: cronjob create

Usage: cronjob create <name> [image]


  • name — Name of the CronJob
  • image — Docker image to use

Options: --image | --schedule | --env | --mounts | --mount | --builder | --buildImage | --repo | --repository | --registry | --reg | --vcs | --git | --wsize | --ws | --subpath | --wh | --webhook | --webhooks | --wd | --props* | -n | --track | -o | -O

--imageDocker image to use
--scheduleSchedule for CronJob (cron syntax)
--envEnvironment Variables (e.g. –env=var1=value,var2=^confimap.key,var3=^^secret.key)
--mounts | --mountVolume/ConfigMap/Secret Mounts (e.g. name1:/path1=1Gi,name2:/path2=^configmap.key[+key…],name3:/path3=^^secret.key[+key])
--builderBuilder name (pipeline or task)
--buildImageImage to build (default to run image)
--repo | --repositoryGIT repository to pull source
--registry | --regIdentifier of Registry (name | url | id | uuid)
--vcs | --gitIdentifier of Git Vcs (name | url | id | uuid)
--wsizeSize of volume for CI/CD Workspace
--wsName of existing volume claim for CI/CD Workspace
--subpathPath on the CI/CD Workspace volume for builds
--wh | --webhook | --webhooksEnable webhooks
--wdAuto-deploy after webhook build
- --propsany property of CronJob (cronjob schema)
-nIdentifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
-oOutput format (o = wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
-ONamed field set or comma-separated create of fields


# create and start cronjob with specified details
ei cronjob create pi --schedule="0/5 * * * ?" --image=perl  --start -- perl -Mbignum=bpi -wle 'print bpi(2000)'

cronjob update

Update CronJob with specified id.

Set environment variables with option --env and key=value[,...] pairs.

Set mounts with option --mount with value name:/mountPath=size for volume mounts (size defaults to 1Gi).

Use mount syntax ^configmap.key[+key...] for ConfigMap mounts.

Use mount syntax ^^secret.key[+key...] for Secret mounts.

Get/Show CronJob after update, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: cronjob update

Usage: cronjob update <cronjobId> [image]


  • cronjobId — Identifier of CronJob (name | id | uuid)
  • image — Docker image to use

Options: --image | --ports | --port | --env | --mounts | --mount | --wsize | --ws | --subpath | --wh | --webhook | --webhooks | --wd | --props=...* | -n | -o | -O

See: Options for cronjob create


# update cronjob schedule and restart
ei cronjob update pi --schedule="0/10 * * * ?"
ei cronjob restart
# update cronjob image version and restart
ei cronjob update pi-fast --image=acme/pi:2.0
ei cronjob restart

cronjob delete

Delete CronJob with specified id.

List CronJobs after delete, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: cronjob delete | cronjob del | cronjob remove | cronjob rm

Usage: cronjob delete <cronjobId>


  • cronjobId — Identifier of CronJob (name | id | uuid)

Options: -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated delete of fields


# delete cronjob with specified name
ei cronjob delete newsletter
# delete cronjob list other cronjobs after
ei cronjob delete newsletter -o

cronjob resources

Scale memory and ephemeral storage resources of CronJob.

New pods are created with new resource settings, and existing pods are shutdown.

Get/show CronJob after update, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: cronjob resources | cronjob rscale

Usage: cronjob resources <cronjobId>


  • cronjobId — Identifier of CronJob (name | id | uuid)

Options: -m | --mem | -d | --disk | --storage | -n | -o | -O

  • -m | --mem — Memory size (units Gi|G|Mi|M)
  • -d | --disk | --storage — Ephemeral Disk/Storage size (units Gi|G)
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated scale of fields


# scale resources of cronjob
ei cronjob resources hello -m2Gi -3Gi -O=resources

cronjob start

Start a CronJob.

Get/show CronJob after start, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Usage: cronjob start <cronjobId>


  • cronjobId — Identifier of CronJob (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated start of fields


# start cronjob
ei cronjob start superheros -o

cronjob stop

Stop a CronJob.

Get/show CronJob after stop, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Usage: cronjob stop <cronjobId>


  • cronjobId — Identifier of CronJob (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated stop of fields


# stop cronjob
ei cronjob stop superheros -o
451   hello   hello    CronJob   Stopped   0           0         0

cronjob suspend

Suspend a CronJob.

Get/show CronJob after suspend, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Usage: cronjob suspend <cronjobId>


  • cronjobId — Identifier of CronJob (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated suspend of fields


# suspend cronjob
ei cronjob suspend hello -o

cronjob restart

Restart a CronJob.

Get/show CronJob after restart, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Usage: cronjob restart <cronjobId>


  • cronjobId — Identifier of CronJob (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated restart of fields


# restart cronjob
ei cronjob restart hello -o

cronjob sync

Synchronize CronJob state/details from the cluster.

Get/show CronJob after sync, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Usage: cronjob sync <cronjobId>


  • cronjobId — Identifier of CronJob (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated sync of fields


# sync cronjob
ei cronjob sync hello -o
# sync cronjob
ei cronjob sync hello -nus-central/dev

cronjob attach

Attach a CronJob from the cluster.

Get/show CronJob after attach, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Usage: cronjob attach <cronjobId>


  • cronjobId — Identifier of CronJob (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated attach of fields


# attach cronjob
ei cronjob attach hello -o
# attach cronjob
ei cronjob hello -nus-central/dev

cronjob build

Start CI/CD build for CronJob.

The CronJob needs to be configured with a builder.

Get/show Build after start, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: cronjob build | cronjob build

Usage: cronjob build <cronjobId>


  • cronjobId — Identifier of CronJob (name | id | uuid)

Options: --track | -n | -o | -O

  • --track — Track progress
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated attach of fields


# start build for cronjob

CronJob Events Commands

cronjob event [help]

Show help on commands for CronJob Events.

Alias: cronjob event

Usage: cronjob event ...


#show cronjob commands
cronjob event -h
cronjob event help
cronjob event
  cronjob event ls        List Events of CronJob
  cronjob event schema    Show attributes/properties of Event
  cronjob event delete    Delete Event of CronJob
  cronjob event help      Show help on commands for CronJob Events

cronjob event ls

List Events of CronJob.

Alias: cronjob event ls | cronjob event list

Usage: cronjob event ls <cronjobId>

Args: - cronjobId — Identifier of CronJob (name | id | uuid)

Options: -c | -n | -o | -O

  • -c — List cluster-level events
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated list of fields


# list event for cronjob
ei cronjob event ls superheros

cronjob event delete

Delete Event of CronJob with specified id.

List after delete, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: cronjob event delete | cronjob event del | cronjob event remove | cronjob event rm

Usage: cronjob event delete <cronjobId> <eventId>

Args: - cronjobId — Identifier of CronJob (name | id | uuid) - eventId — Identifier of Event (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated delete of fields


# delete event of cronjob
ei cronjob event delete superheros data

cronjob event schema

Show attributes/properties for Event.

cronjob job

List Job instances for CronJob.

cronjob schema

Show attributes/properties for CronJob.

Alias: cronjob schema | cronjob meta

Usage: cronjob schema

Options: -f | -g

  • -f — Show attributes/properties of CronJobFilter
  • -g — Show attributes/properties of CronJobOptions


# show schema of cronjob filter
ei cronjob schema -f

Mount Commands

mount [help]

Show help on commands for Mounts on Deployment (or Jobs or CronJobs).

Alias: mount | mount help

Alias: deployment mount | deployment mount help | deploy mount | deploy mount help

Alias: job mount | job mount help

Alias: cronjob mount | cronjob mount help

Usage: mount ... | deployment mount ... | job mount ... | cronjob mount ...


#show help on mount commands
mount -h
mount help
deployment mount
deploy mount
job mount help
cronjob mount
  mount ls        List Mounts of Deployment (or Job or CronJob)
  mount get       Get Mount of Deployment
  mount schema    Show attributes/properties of Mount
  mount add       Add Mount to Deployment (or Job or CronJob)
  mount update    Update Mount of Deployment (or Job or CronJob)
  mount delete    Delete Mount of Deployment (or Job or CronJob)
  mount help      Show help on commands for Mounts

mount ls

List Mounts of Deployment (or Job or CronJob).

Same as alternative command deployment mount ls or alias deploy mount ls.

Use option -j to list Mounts of Job. Alternatively, use command job mount ls.

Use option -c to list Mounts of CronJob. Alternatively, use command job mount ls.

Alias: mount ls | deployment mount ls | deployment mount list

Alias: mount ls -j | job mount ls | job mount list

Alias: mount ls -c | cronjob mount ls | cronjob mount list

Usage: mount ls <deployId>

Args: - deployId — Identifier of Deployment (or Job or CronJob) (name | id | uuid)

Options: -j | -c | -n | -o | -O

  • -j — List Mounts of Job
  • -c — List Mounts of CronJob
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated list of fields


# list mount for deployment
ei mount ls superheros
1    data      Volume   /data          3Gi
2    uploads   Volume   /tmp/uploads   1Gi

mount get

Get Mount of Deployment(or Job or CronJob).

Same as alternative command deployment mount get or alias deploy mount get.

Use option -j to get Mount of Job. Alternatively, use command job mount get.

Use option -c to get Mount of CronJob. Alternatively, use command job mount get.

Alias: mount get | deployment mount get

Alias: mount get -j | job mount get

Alias: mount get -c | cronjob mount get

Usage: mount get <deployId>

Args: - deployId — Identifier of Deployment/Job/CronJob (or Job or CronJob) (name | id | uuid) - mountId — Identifier of Mount (name | id | uuid)

Options: -j | -c | -n | -o | -O

  • -j — Get Mount of Job
  • -c — Get Mount of CronJob
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated get of fields


# get mount for deployment
ei deploy mount get superheros data
1    data      Volume   /data          3Gi

mount add

Add Mount to Deployment (or Job or CronJob) with specified properties.

Same as alternative command deployment mount add or alias deploy mount add.

Use option -j to add Mount to Job. Alternatively, use command job mount add.

Use option -c to add Mount to CronJob. Alternatively, use command job mount add.

Get/show after create, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: mount add | mount create | deployment mount add | deployment mount create

Alias: mount add -j | mount create -j | job mount add | job mount create

Alias: mount add -c | mount create -c | cronjob mount add | cronjob mount create

Usage: mount add <deployId> <name>

Args: - deployId — Identifier of Deployment/Job/CronJob (name | id | uuid) - name — Name of the Mount

Options: -j | -c | --props=...* | -n | -o | -O

  • -j — Add Mount to Job
  • -c — Add Mount to CronJob
  • --props — Key-value pairs for Mount properties
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated add of fields


# add mount to deployment
ei deploy mount add superheros data --mountPath=/data --size=3Gi
# add another mount to deployment
ei deploy mount add superheros uploads --mountPath=/tmp/uploads --size=1Gi -o
1    data      Volume   /data          3Gi
2    uploads   Volume   /tmp/uploads   1Gi
# add config map mount to deployment
ei deploy mount add superheros config --mountPath=/config --configmap=superheros-config -o
3    config   ConfigMap   /config

mount update

Update properties of Mount of Deployment with specified id.

Update Mount to Deployment (or Job or CronJob) with specified properties.

Same as alternative command deployment mount update or alias deploy mount update.

Use option -j to update Mount of Job. Alternatively, use command job mount update.

Use option -c to update Mount of CronJob. Alternatively, use command job mount update.

Get/show after update, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: mount update | deployment mount update

Alias: mount update -j | job mount update

Alias: mount update -c | cronjob mount update

Usage: mount update <deployId> <mountId>

Args: - deployId — Identifier of Deployment/Job/CronJob (name | id | uuid) - mountId — Identifier of Mount (name | id | uuid)

Options: -j | -c | --props=...* | -n | -o | -O

  • -j — Update Mount to Job
  • -c — Update Mount to CronJob
  • --props — Key-value pairs for Mount properties
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated update of fields


# update mount of deployment
ei deploy mount update superheros uploads --size=2Gi

mount delete

Delete Mount of Deployment (or Job or CronJob) with specified id.

Same as alternative command deployment mount delete or alias deploy mount delete.

Use option -j to delete Mount to Job. Alternatively, use command job delete delete or alias.

Use option -c to delete Mount to CronJob. Alternatively, use command job mount delete or alias.

List after delete, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: mount delete | mount del | mount remove | mount rm | deployment mount delete | deployment mount del | deployment mount remove | deployment mount rn

Alias: mount delete -j | mount del -j | mount remove -j | mount rm -j | job mount delete | job mount del | job mount remove | job mount rm

Alias: mount delete -c | mount del -c | mount remove -c | mount rm -c | cronjob mount delete | cronjob mount del | cronjob mount remove | cronjob mount rm

Usage: mount delete <deployId> <name>

Args: - deployId — Identifier of Deployment/Job/CronJob (name | id | uuid) - mountId — Identifier of Mount (name | id | uuid)

Options: -j | -c | -n | -o | -O

  • -j — Delete Mount of Job
  • -c — Delete Mount of CronJob
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated delete of fields


# delete mount of deployment
ei mount rm superheros data

mount schema

Show attributes/properties for Mount.

Environment Variables

env [help]

Show help on commands for Deployment Environment Variables.

Alias: deploy env | deploy var

Usage: deployment env ...


#show help on environment variables commands
env -h
env help
deployment env
deploy env
job env
cronjob env
  env ls        List Environment Variables of Deployment (or Job or CronJob)
  env get       Get Environment Variable of Deployment (or Job or CronJob)
  env schema    Show attributes/properties of Environment Variable
  env add       Add Environment Variable to Deployment (or Job or CronJob)
  env update    Update Environment Variable of Deployment (or Job or CronJob)
  env delete    Delete Environment Variable of Deployment (or Job or CronJob)
  env help      Show help on commands for Environment Variables

env ls

List Environment Variables of Deployment (or Job or Cron Job).

Same as alternative command deployment env ls or alias deploy env ls.

Use option -j to list Environment Variables of Job. Alternatively, use command job env ls.

Use option -c to list Environment Variables of CronJob. Alternatively, use command job env ls.

Alias: env ls | deployment env ls | deployment env list | deployment var ls | deployment var list

Alias: env ls -j | job env ls | job env list | job var ls | job var list

Alias: env ls -c | cronjob env ls | cronjob env list

Usage: env ls <deployId>

Args: - deployId — Identifier of Deployment (or Job or CronJob) (name | id | uuid)

Options: -j | -c | -n | -o | -O

  • -j — List Environment Variables of Job
  • -c — List Environment Variables of CronJob
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated list of fields


# list environment variables of deployment
ei env ls superheros
NAME                     TYPE    VALUE   CONFIGMAP   SECRET
SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE   Value   cloud   <none>      <none>
SERVER_PORT              Value   80      <none>      <none>

env get

Get Environment Variable of Deployment(or Job or CronJob).

Same as alternative command deployment env get or alias deploy env get.

Use option -j to get Environment Variable of Job. Alternatively, use command job env get.

Use option -c to get Environment Variable of CronJob. Alternatively, use command job env get.

Alias: env get | deployment env get

Alias: env get -j | job env get

Alias: env get -c | cronjob env get

Usage: env get <deployId> <name>

Args: - deployId — Identifier of Deployment/Job/CronJob (or Job or CronJob) (name | id | uuid) - name — Name of Environment Variable (host | dns | id | uuid)

Options: -j | -c | -n | -o | -O

  • -j — Get Environment Variable of Job
  • -c — Get Environment Variable of CronJob
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated get of fields


# get environment variable of deployment
ei env get superheros SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE

env add

Add Environment Variable to Deployment (or Job or CronJob) with specified properties.

Same as alternative command deployment env add or alias deploy env add.

Use option -j to add Environment Variable to Job. Alternatively, use command job env add.

Use option -c to add Environment Variable to CronJob. Alternatively, use command job env add.

Get/show after create, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: env add | env create | deployment env add | deployment env create

Alias: env add -j | env create -j | job env add | job env create

Alias: env add -c | env create -c | cronjob env add | cronjob env create

Usage: env add <deployId> <name>

Args: - deployId — Identifier of Deployment/Job/CronJob (name | id | uuid) - name — Name of the Environment Variable

Options: -j | -c | --value | --configmap | --secret | --key | --props=...* | -n | -o | -O

  • -j — Add Environment Variable to Job
  • -c — Add Environment Variable to CronJob
  • --value — Value of Environment Variable
  • --configmap — Name of a configmap
  • --secret — Name of a secret
  • --key | --path — Key in configmap or secret
  • --props — Key-value pairs for Environment Variable properties
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated add of fields


# add environment variable of deployment
ei env add superheros SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE --value=cloud
# add environment variable from secret to deployment
ei env add superheros DB_PASSOWORD --secret=superheros-db --key=password

env update

Update Environment Variable of Deployment (or Job or CronJob) with specified name.

Same as alternative command deployment env update or alias deploy env update.

Use option -j to update Environment Variable of Job. Alternatively, use command job env update.

Use option -c to update Environment Variable of CronJob. Alternatively, use command job env update.

Get/show after update, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: env update | deployment env update

Alias: env update -j | job env update

Alias: env update -c | cronjob env update

Usage: env update <deployId> <name>

Args: - deployId — Identifier of Deployment/Job/CronJob (name | id | uuid) - name — Name of Environment Variable

Options: -j | -c | --value | --configmap | --secret | --key | --props=...* | -n | -o | -O

  • -j — Update Environment Variable to Job
  • -c — Update Environment Variable to CronJob
  • --value — Value of Environment Variable
  • --configmap — Name of a configmap
  • --secret — Name of a secret
  • --key | --path — Key in configmap or secret
  • --props — Key-value pairs for Environment Variable properties
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated update of fields


# update environment variable of deployment
ei env update superheros DB_USERNAME --value=app00

env delete

Delete Environment Variable of Deployment (or Job or CronJob) with specified name.

Same as alternative command deployment env delete or alias deploy env delete.

Use option -j to delete Environment Variable to Job. Alternatively, use command job delete delete or alias.

Use option -c to delete Environment Variable to CronJob. Alternatively, use command job env delete or alias.

List after delete, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: env delete | env del | env remove | env rm | deployment env delete | deployment env del | deployment env remove | deployment env rn

Alias: env delete -j | env del -j | env remove -j | env rm -j | job env delete | job env del | job env remove | job env rm

Alias: env delete -c | env del -c | env remove -c | env rm -c | cronjob env delete | cronjob env del | cronjob env remove | cronjob env rm

Usage: env delete <deployId> <name>

Args: - deployId — Identifier of Deployment/Job/CronJob (name | id | uuid) - name — Name of Environment Variable

Args: - deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid)

Options: -j | -c | -n | -o | -O

  • -j — Delete Environment Variable of Job
  • -c — Delete Environment Variable of CronJob
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated delete of fields


# delete environment variable of deployment
ei env delete superheros UI_THEME
ei env rm superheros SPRING_PROFILES_INCLUDE

env schema

Show attributes/properties for Environment Variable.

Binding Commands

binding [help]

Show help on commands for Bindings on Deployment (or Job or CronJob).

Alias: deployment binding

Usage: deployment binding ...


#show help on binding commands
binding -h
binding help
deployment binding
deploy binding
job binding help
cronjob binding help
  binding ls        List Bindings of Deployment (or Job or CronJob)
  binding get       Get Binding of Deployment (or Job or CronJob)
  binding schema    Show attributes/properties of Binding
  binding add       Add Binding to Deployment (or Job or CronJob)
  binding update    Update Binding of Deployment (or Job or CronJob)
  binding delete    Delete Binding of Deployment (or Job or CronJob)
  binding help      Show help on commands for Deployment Bindings

binding ls

List Bindings of Deployment (or Job or CronJob).

Same as alternative command deployment binding ls or alias deploy binding ls.

Use option -j to list Bindings of Job. Alternatively, use command job binding ls.

Use option -c to list Bindings of CronJob. Alternatively, use command job binding ls.

Alias: binding ls | deployment binding ls | deployment binding list

Alias: binding ls -j | job binding ls | job binding list

Alias: binding ls -c | cronjob binding ls | cronjob binding list

Usage: binding ls <deployId>

Args: - deployId — Identifier of Deployment (or Job or CronJob) (name | id | uuid)

Options: -j | -c | -n | -o | -O

  • -j — List Bindings of Job
  • -c — List Bindings of CronJob
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated list of fields


# list binding for deployment
ei deploy binding ls superheros

binding get

Get Binding of Deployment (or Job or CronJob).

Same as alternative command deployment binding get or alias deploy binding get.

Use option -j to get Binding of Job. Alternatively, use command job binding get.

Use option -c to get Binding of CronJob. Alternatively, use command job binding get.

Alias: binding get | deployment binding get

Alias: binding get -j | job binding get

Alias: binding get -c | cronjob binding get

Usage: binding get <deployId>

Args: - deployId — Identifier of Deployment/Job/CronJob (or Job or CronJob) (name | id | uuid) - bindingId — Identifier of Binding (id | uuid)

Options: -j | -c | -n | -o | -O

  • -j — Get Binding of Job
  • -c — Get Binding of CronJob
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated get of fields


# get binding for deployment
ei deploy binding get superheros mysql:superheros

binding add

Add Binding to Deployment (or Job or CronJob) with specified properties.

Same as alternative command deployment binding add or alias deploy binding add.

Use option -j to add Binding to Job. Alternatively, use command job binding add.

Use option -c to add Binding to CronJob. Alternatively, use command job binding add.

The selector matches the name of a connector defined by a deployment/service.

To bind to a service in different Space, use option -xn|--space.

To bind to an external service, use option -x|--external.

Get/show after create, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: binding add | binding create | deployment binding add | deployment binding create

Alias: binding add -j | binding create -j | job binding add | job binding create

Alias: binding add -c | binding create -c | cronjob binding add | cronjob binding create

Usage: binding add <deployId> [selector]

Args: - deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid) - selector — Name of the Binding

Options: -j | -c | --spec | --auto | --xn | --space | -x | --external | --props=...* | -n | -o | -O

  • -j — Add Binding to Job
  • -c — Add Binding to CronJob
  • --spec — JSON specification of binding
  • --auto — Guess binding spec from stack
  • --xn | --space — Reference connector in another Space
  • -x | --external — Reference connector of external service
  • --props — Key-value pairs for Binding properties
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated add of fields


# add binding to deployment to connect to named mysql DB
ei binding add superheros mysql/superheros --auto
# add binding to deployment to connect to named mysql DB
ei binding add superheros mysql/superheros --spec='{"DB_URL":"${url}", "DB_PASSWORD":"${^dbsecret.password}"}'
# add multiple bindings to deployment
ei binding add superheros cdn --auto
ei binding add superheros sso --auto
# add binding connecting to service in another space
ei binding add superheros broker --xn us-central  --auto
# add binding connecting to external service
ei binding add superheros broker -x --xn us-central  --auto

binding update

Update Binding of Deployment (or Job or CronJob) with specified properties.

Same as alternative command deployment binding update or alias deploy binding update.

Use option -j to update Binding of Job. Alternatively, use command job binding update.

Use option -c to update Binding of CronJob. Alternatively, use command job binding update.

The selector matches the name of a connector defined by a deployment/service.

To bind to a service in different Space, use option -xn|--space.

To bind to an external service, use option -x|--external.

Get/show after update, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: binding update | deployment binding update

Alias: binding update -j | job binding update

Alias: binding update -c | cronjob binding update

Usage: binding update <deployId> <bindingId>

Args: - deployId — Identifier of Deployment/Job/CronJob (name | id | uuid) - bindingId — Identifier of Binding (name | id | uuid)

Options: --selector | --spec | --auto | --xn | --space | -x | --external | --props=...* | -n | -o | -O

  • -j — Update Mount to Job
  • -c — Update Mount to CronJob
  • --selector — Selector for service connector (e.g. mysql/dbname, sso)
  • --spec — JSON specification of binding
  • --auto — Guess binding spec from stack
  • --xn | --space — Reference connector in another Space
  • -x | --external — Reference connector of external service
  • --props — Key-value pairs for Binding properties
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated update of fields


# update binding of deployment
ei binding update superheros --xn=us-central --selector=broker

binding delete

Delete Binding of Deployment (or Job or CronJob) with specified id.

Same as alternative command deployment binding delete or alias deploy binding delete.

Use option -j to delete Binding to Job. Alternatively, use command job delete delete or alias.

Use option -c to delete Binding to CronJob. Alternatively, use command job binding delete or alias.

List after delete, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: binding delete | binding del | binding remove | binding rm | deployment binding delete | deployment binding del | deployment binding remove | deployment binding rn

Alias: binding delete -j | binding del -j | binding remove -j | binding rm -j | job binding delete | job binding del | job binding remove | job binding rm

Alias: binding delete -c | binding del -c | binding remove -c | binding rm -c | cronjob binding delete | cronjob binding del | cronjob binding remove | cronjob binding rm

Usage: binding delete <deployId> <bindingId>

Args: - deployId — Identifier of Deployment/Job/CronJob (name | id | uuid) - bindingId — Identifier of Binding (name | id | uuid)

Options: -j | -c | -n | -o | -O

  • -j — Delete Binding of Job
  • -c — Delete Binding of CronJob
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated delete of fields


# delete binding of deployment
ei binding rm superheros mysql

binding schema

Show attributes/properties for Binding.

Connector Commands

connector [help]

Show help on commands for Deployment Connectors.

Alias: connector | connector help | deployment connector | deployment connector help

Usage: deployment connector ...


#show deployment commands
connector help
connector -h
deployment connector -h
deployment connector help
deployment connector
  connector ls        List Connectors of Deployment
  connector get       Get Connector of Deployment
  connector schema    Show attributes/properties of Connector
  connector add       Add Connector to Deployment
  connector update    Update Connector of Deployment
  connector delete    Delete Connector of Deployment
  connector help      Show help on commands for Deployment Connectors

connector ls

List Connectors of Deployment.

Alias: connector ls | connector list | deployment connector ls | deployment connector list

Usage: connector ls <deployId>


  • deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated list of fields


# list connectors for deployment
ei connector ls superheros -o=wide
ID   NAME       SPEC           META
1    default    {url=${url}}   {url=http://superheros.samples.nativex.cloud}

connector get

Get Details of Deployment Connector.

Alias: connector get | deployment connector get

Usage: connector get <deployId> <connectorId>

Args: - deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid) - connectorId — Identifier of Connector (host | dns | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated get of fields


# get connector for deployment
ei connector get superheros default

connector add

Add Connector to Deployment with specified properties.

Get/show after create, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: connector add | connector create | deployment connector add | deployment connector create

Usage: connector add <deployId> <name>

Args: - deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid) - name — Name of the Connector

Options: --props=...* | -n | -o | -O

  • --props — Key-value pairs for Connector properties
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated add of fields


# add connector to deployment
ei connector add superheros default --spec={"url":"${url}"}

connector update

Update properties of Connector of Deployment with specified id.

Get/show after update, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: connector update | deployment connector update | | deploy connector update

Usage: connector update <deployId> <connectorId>

Args: - deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid) - connectorId — Identifier of Connector (name | id | uuid)

Options: --props=...* | -n | -o | -O

  • --props — Key-value pairs for Connector properties
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated update of fields


# update connector of deployment
ei connector update superheros default --spec={"url":"${url}","password":"${password}"}

connector delete

Delete Connector of Deployment with specified id.

List after delete, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: connector delete | connector del | connector remove | connector rm | deploy connector delete | deploy connector del | deploy connector remove | deploy connector rm

Usage: connector delete <deployId> <connectorId>

Args: - deployId — Identifier of Deployment (name | id | uuid) - connectorId — Identifier of Connector (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated delete of fields


# delete connector of deployment
ei connector rm superheros default

connector schema

Show attributes/properties for Connector.

Pod Commands

pod [help]

Show help on commands for Pod.

Alias: pod | pods | instance | instances

Usage: pod ...


#show pod commands
pod -h
pod help
  pod ls        List Pods in Space or for Deployment (or Job)
  pod get       Get Details of Pod
  pod view      View Pod dashboard in web browser
  pod kill      Kill Pod in Space.
  pod schema    Show attributes/properties of Pod
  pod help      Show help on commands for Pods

pod ls

List Pods in Space.

If deployId is specified, lists pods/instances for the Deployment.

If option -j is specified, lists pods/instances for the Job.

Usage: pod ls [deployId]

Alias: pod ls | pod list | instance ls | instance list |

Usage: pod ls


  • q — Optional query string

Options: -q | --status | --props=...* | -n | -o | -O

  • -q — Query string (matches name substring)
  • --status — Status
  • --props — any other property of PodFilter (pod schema -f)
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated list of fields


# list pods for named deployment
ei pod ls superheros
NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
superheros-598699dd99-4zlgt   1/1     Running   0          6h
superheros-598699dd99-lg88b   1/1     Running   0          1m
superheros-598699dd99-r7wdq   1/1     Running   0          1m
# list all pods in current space
ei pod ls
cm-88b989fb9-8j7pg            1/1     Running   0          21d
heros2-598699dd99-4zlgt       1/1     Running   0          6h
heros2-598699dd99-lg88b       1/1     Running   0          24m
heros2-598699dd99-r7wdq       1/1     Running   0          24m
nginx-6f57d96787-kx6zz        1/1     Running   0          13d
superheros-5754f68c6f-t9z76   1/1     Running   0          4d

pod get

Get Details of Pod.

Alias: pod get

Usage: pod get <podId>


  • podId — Identifier of Pod (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • --props any property of PodOptions (pod schema -g)
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated get of fields


# get pod with specified name
ei pod get superheros-598699dd99-4zlgt
NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
superheros-598699dd99-4zlgt   1/1     Running   0          6h

pod view

View Pod dashboard in web browser.

Requires environment where a default web-browser is configured and can be started/open.

You need to login via the web-browser the first time to start a web session in Cloud Manager.

Alias: pod view

Usage: pod view <podId>


  • podId — Identifier of Pod (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n

  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).


# open web browser (tab) and view pod dashboard in CloudManager UI
ei pod view superheros

pod kill

Delete Pod with specified id.

List Pods after kill, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: pod kill | pod del | pod remove | pod rm

Usage: pod kill <podId>


  • podId — Identifier of Pod (name | id | uuid)

Options: -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated kill of fields


# kill pod with specified name
ei pod kill superheros-598699dd99-4zlgt
# kill pod list other pods after
ei pod kill superheros-598699dd99-4zlgt -o

pod schema

Show attributes/properties for Pod.

Alias: pod schema | pod meta

Usage: pod schema

Options: -f | -g

  • -f — Show attributes/properties of PodFilter
  • -g — Show attributes/properties of PodOptions


# show schema of pod filter
ei pod schema -f

ReplicaSet Commands

replicaset [help]

Show help on commands for ReplicaSet.

Alias: replicaset | replicasets | instance | instances

Usage: replicaset ...


#show replicaset commands
replicaset -h
replicaset help
  replicaset ls        List ReplicaSets in Space or for Deployment (or Job)
  replicaset get       Get Details of ReplicaSet
  replicaset view      View ReplicaSet dashboard in web browser
  replicaset kill      Kill ReplicaSet in Space.
  replicaset schema    Show attributes/properties of ReplicaSet
  replicaset help      Show help on commands for ReplicaSets

replicaset ls

List ReplicaSets in Space.

If deployId is specified, lists replicasets/instances for the Deployment.

If option -j is specified, lists replicasets/instances for the Job.

Usage: replicaset ls [deployId]

Alias: replicaset ls | replicaset list | instance ls | instance list |

Usage: replicaset ls


  • q — Optional query string

Options: -q | --status | --props=...* | -n | -o | -O

  • -q — Query string (matches name substring)
  • --status — Status
  • --props — any other property of ReplicaSetFilter (replicaset schema -f)
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated list of fields


# list replicasets for named deployment
ei replicaset ls superheros
NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
superheros-598699dd99-4zlgt   1/1     Running   0          6h
superheros-598699dd99-lg88b   1/1     Running   0          1m
superheros-598699dd99-r7wdq   1/1     Running   0          1m
# list all replicasets in current space
ei replicaset ls
cm-88b989fb9-8j7pg            1/1     Running   0          21d
heros2-598699dd99-4zlgt       1/1     Running   0          6h
heros2-598699dd99-lg88b       1/1     Running   0          24m
heros2-598699dd99-r7wdq       1/1     Running   0          24m
nginx-6f57d96787-kx6zz        1/1     Running   0          13d
superheros-5754f68c6f-t9z76   1/1     Running   0          4d

replicaset get

Get Details of ReplicaSet.

Alias: replicaset get

Usage: replicaset get <replicasetId>


  • replicasetId — Identifier of ReplicaSet (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • --props any property of ReplicaSetOptions (replicaset schema -g)
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated get of fields


# get replicaset with specified name
ei replicaset get superheros-598699dd99-4zlgt
NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
superheros-598699dd99-4zlgt   1/1     Running   0          6h

replicaset view

View ReplicaSet dashboard in web browser.

Requires environment where a default web-browser is configured and can be started/open.

You need to login via the web-browser the first time to start a web session in Cloud Manager.

Alias: replicaset view

Usage: replicaset view <replicasetId>


  • replicasetId — Identifier of ReplicaSet (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n

  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).


# open web browser (tab) and view replicaset dashboard in CloudManager UI
ei replicaset view superheros

replicaset kill

Delete ReplicaSet with specified id.

List ReplicaSets after kill, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: replicaset kill | replicaset del | replicaset remove | replicaset rm

Usage: replicaset kill <replicasetId>


  • replicasetId — Identifier of ReplicaSet (name | id | uuid)

Options: -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated kill of fields


# kill replicaset with specified name
ei replicaset kill superheros-598699dd99-4zlgt
# kill replicaset list other replicasets after
ei replicaset kill superheros-598699dd99-4zlgt -o

replicaset schema

Show attributes/properties for ReplicaSet.

Alias: replicaset schema | replicaset meta

Usage: replicaset schema

Options: -f | -g

  • -f — Show attributes/properties of ReplicaSetFilter
  • -g — Show attributes/properties of ReplicaSetOptions


# show schema of replicaset filter
ei replicaset schema -f

VolumeClaim Commands

volumeclaim [help]

Show help on commands for VolumeClaim.

Alias: volumeclaim | volumeclaims | instance | instances

Usage: volumeclaim ...


#show volumeclaim commands
volumeclaim -h
volumeclaim help
  volumeclaim ls        List VolumeClaims in Space or for Deployment (or Job)
  volumeclaim get       Get Details of VolumeClaim
  volumeclaim create    Create VolumeClaim
  volumeclaim delete    Delete VolumeClaim
  volumeclaim schema    Show attributes/properties of VolumeClaim
  volumeclaim help      Show help on commands for VolumeClaims

volumeclaim ls

List VolumeClaims in Space.

Alias: volumeclaim ls | volumeclaim list | volc ls | volc list

Usage: volumeclaim ls


  • q — Optional query string

Options: -q | --status | --props=...* | -n | -o | -O

  • -q — Query string (matches name substring)
  • --status — Status
  • --props — any other property of VolumeClaimFilter (volumeclaim schema -f)
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated list of fields


# list all volumeclaims in space
ei volumeclaim ls

volumeclaim get

Get Details of VolumeClaim.

Alias: volumeclaim get

Usage: volumeclaim get <name>


  • name — Name of VolumeClaim

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • --props any property of VolumeClaimOptions (volumeclaim schema -g)
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated get of fields


# get volumeclaim with specified name
ei volumeclaim get data

volumeclaim create

Create VolumeClaim with given name.

Get/Show VolumeClaim after create, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: volumeclaim create

Usage: volumeclaim create <name>


  • name — Name of the Deployment

Options: --size | --props* | -n | --track | -o | -O

--sizevolume size (default is 1Gi)
--propsVolumeClaim properties (volumeclaim schema)
-nIdentifier of Space (cluster/namenameiduuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
-oOutput format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
-ONamed field set or comma-separated create of fields


# create volumeclaim with specified details
ei volc create data --size=5Gi

volumeclaim delete

Delete VolumeClaim with specified id.

List VolumeClaims after delete, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: volumeclaim delete | volumeclaim del | volumeclaim remove | volumeclaim rm

Usage: volumeclaim delete <name>


  • nam — Name of VolumeClaim

Options: -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated delete of fields


# delete volumeclaim with specified name
ei volumeclaim delete data
# delete volumeclaim list other volumeclaims after
ei volumeclaim delete data -o

volumeclaim schema

Show attributes/properties for VolumeClaim.

Alias: volumeclaim schema | volumeclaim meta

Usage: volumeclaim schema

Options: -f | -g

  • -f — Show attributes/properties of VolumeClaimFilter
  • -g — Show attributes/properties of VolumeClaimOptions


# show schema of volumeclaim filter
ei volumeclaim schema -f

Build Commands

build [help]

Show help on commands for Build.

Alias: build | builds

Usage: build ...


#show build commands
build -h
build help
  build ls        List Builds in Space or for Deployment (or Job or CronJob)
  build get       Get Details of Build
  build create    Start a Build for a Deployment (or Job or CronJob)
  build kill      Delete Build.
  build schema    Show attributes/properties of Build
  build help      Show help on commands for Builds

build ls

List Builds in Space.

If deployId is specified, lists builds/instances for the Deployment.

If option -j is specified, lists builds/instances for the Job.

Usage: build ls [deployId]

Alias: build ls | build list | instance ls | instance list |

Usage: build ls


  • q — Optional query string

Options: -q | --status | --props=...* | -n | -o | -O

  • -q — Query string (matches name substring)
  • --status — Status
  • --props — any other property of BuildFilter (build schema -f)
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated list of fields


# list builds for deployment
ei build ls superheros
NAME                                     STATUS      MESSAGE             STEP     AGE   DURATION
superheros-jib-maven-pipeline-5ffb0324   Succeeded   Progress: 2  done   <none>   7h    2m39s
superheros-jib-maven-pipeline-5ffb6c04   Succeeded   Progress: 2  done   <none>   4m    2m14s
superheros-jib-maven-pipeline-5ffb6c9d   Running     Progress: 1  done   <none>   1m    <none>
# list all builds in current space
ei build ls

build get

Get Details of Build.

Alias: build get

Usage: build get <buildId>


  • buildId — Identifier of Build (name | id | uuid)

Options: -n | -o | -O

  • --props any property of BuildOptions (build schema -g)
  • -n — Identifier of Space (cluster/name | name | id | uuid). Defaults to current Space (if not specified).
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated get of fields


# get build with specified name
ei build get superheros-jib-maven-pipeline-5ffb0324
NAME                                     STATUS      MESSAGE             STEP     AGE   DURATION
superheros-jib-maven-pipeline-5ffb0324   Succeeded   Progress: 2  done   <none>   7h    2m39s

build delete

Delete Build with specified id.

List Builds after delete, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: build delete | build del | build remove | build rm | build kill

Usage: build delete <buildId>


  • buildId — Identifier of Build (name | id | uuid)

Options: -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated kill of fields


# kill build with specified name
ei build delete superheros-598699dd99-4zlgt
# delete build list other builds after
ei build rm superheros-jib-maven-pipeline-5ffb0324 -o

build schema

Show attributes/properties for Build.

Alias: build schema | build meta

Usage: build schema

Options: -f | -g

  • -f — Show attributes/properties of BuildFilter
  • -g — Show attributes/properties of BuildOptions


# show schema of build filter
ei build schema -f

Domain Commands

domain [help]

Show help on commands for Domain.

Alias: domain |domains

Usage: domain ...


#show domain commands
domain -h
domain help
  domain ls        List Domains
  domain get       Get Details of Domain
  domain view      View Domain dashboard in web browser
  domain schema    Show attributes/properties of Domain
  domain create    Create Domain
  domain update    Update Domain
  domain delete    Delete Domain
  domain set       Set current Domain
  domain unset     Unset current Domain
  domain help      Show help on commands for Domain

domain ls

List Domains.

Alias: domain ls | domain list

Usage: domain ls [q]


  • q — Optional query string (same as option -q)

Options: -q | --tls | --props=...* | -o | -O

  • -q — Query string (matches name substring)
  • --tls — true/false filter for TLS property
  • --props — any other property of DomainFilter (domain schema -f)
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated list of fields


# list domains with secure tls
ei domain ls --tls
ID   NAME                        TLS
1    test.nativex.cloud          true
4    nativex.cloud               true
10   samples.einnovator.org      true
56   superheros.einnovator.org   true
57   movies.nativex.cloud        true
# list domains with secure tls that have their own certificate (don't use domain wildcard certificate) 
ei domain ls --tls --cert -o=wide
ID   NAME                        TLS    CERT   ROOT    PARENT          ENABLED
1    test.nativex.cloud          true   true   true    nativex.cloud   true
4    nativex.cloud               true   true   true                    true
56   superheros.einnovator.org   true   true   false
57   movies.nativex.cloud        true   true   false                   true
59   superheros.nativex.cloud    true   true   false                   true
# list child domains
ei domain ls --parent=nativex.cloud
ID   NAME                    TLS
1    test.nativex.cloud      true
9    samples.nativex.cloud   true

domain get

Get Details of Domain.

Alias: Domain get

Usage: Domain get <DomainId>


  • DomainId — Identifier of Domain (name | id | uuid)

Options: -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated get of fields


# get Domain with specified id
ei domain get 3
# get Domain by id all fields
ei domain get 3 -oyaml

domain view

View Domain dashboard in web browser.

If domainId is not specified, defaults to current Domain if any.

Requires environment where a default web-browser is configured and can be started/open.

You need to login via the web-browser the first time to start a web session in Cloud Manager.

Alias: domain view

Usage: domain view [domainId]


  • domainId — Identifier of Domain (name | id | uuid)


# open web browser (tab) and view domain dashboard in CloudManager UI
ei domain view demo
# open web browser (tab) and view current domain dashboard in CloudManager UI
ei domain view

domain create

Create Domain with given name.

Get/Show Domain after create, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: domain create

Usage: domain create <name>


  • name — Name of the Domain

Options: --props=...* | -o | -O

  • --props — any property of Domain (domain schema)
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated create of fields


# create domain with specified details
ei domain create home --xx=
# create domain with specified details
ei domain create home --xx=

domain update

Update Domain with specified id.

Get/Show Domain after update, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: domain update

Usage: domain update <domainId>


  • domainId — Identifier of Domain (name | id | uuid)

Options: --props=...* | -o | -O

  • --props — any property of Domain (domain schema)
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated update of fields


# update domain displayName
ei domain update dev --displayName=Development
# update domain
ei domain update dev

domain delete

Delete Domain with specified id.

List Domains after delete, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: domain delete | domain del | domain remove | domain rm

Usage: domain delete <domainId>


  • domainId — Identifier of Domain (name | id | uuid)

Options: -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated delete of fields


# delete domain with specified name
ei domain delete demo
# delete domain by id, list other domains after
ei domain delete 4 -o

domain set

Set current Domain.

Created Routes will use this Domain if not specified.

Usage: domain set <domainId>


  • domainId — Identifier of Domain (name | url | id | uuid)

Options: -o

  • -o — Execute pwd after


# set current domain
ei domain set acme.com

domain unset

Unsets current Domain.


# unset current domain
ei domain unset

domain schema

Show attributes/properties for Domain.

Alias: domain schema | domain meta

Usage: domain schema

Options: -f | -g

  • -f — Show attributes/properties of DomainFilter
  • -g — Show attributes/properties of DomainOptions


# show schema of domain filter
ei domain schema -f

Registry Commands

registry = Registry operations

registry [help]

Show help on commands for Registry.

Alias: registry | registries | reg

Usage: registry ...


#show registry commands
registry -h
registry help
  registry ls        List Registries
  registry get       Get Details of Registry
  registry view      View Registry dashboard in web browser
  registry schema    Show attributes/properties of Domain
  registry create    Create Registry
  registry update    Update Registry
  registry delete    Delete Registry
  registry set       Set current Registry
  registry unset     Unset current Registry
  registry help      Show help on commands for Domain

registry ls

List Registries.

Alias: registry ls | registry list | registries ls | registries list | reg ls | reg list

Usage: registry ls [q]


  • q — Optional query string (same as option -q)

Options: -q | --props=...* | -o | -O

  • -q — Query string (matches name substring)
  • --props — any other property of RegistryFilter (registry schema -f)
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated list of fields


# list registries on DockerHub
ei registry ls dock
ID   NAME                    DISPLAYNAME             SERVER                        AUTH                USERNAME                    AGE
1    docker-hub              Docker Hub Public       <none>                        <none>              <none>                      575d
2    docker-hub-registry     Docker Hub Registry     https://index.docker.io/v1/   Username/Password   dev99                       574d
12   docker-registry-token   Docker Registry Token   https://index.docker.io/v1/   Username/Password   dev99                       278d
20   docker-dev77            docker-dev77            https://index.docker.io/v1/   Username/Password   dev77                       now
# list all registries
ei reg ls
ID   NAME                    DISPLAYNAME             SERVER                        AUTH                USERNAME                    AGE
1    docker-hub              Docker Hub Public       <none>                        <none>              <none>                      575d
2    docker-hub-registry     Docker Hub Registry     https://index.docker.io/v1/   Username/Password   dev99                       574d
7    gitlab-registry         GitLab Registry         https://registry.gitlab.com   Username/Password   gitlab+deploy-token-92161   505d
11   google-cloud-registry   Google Cloud Registry   https://gcr.io                Json Key            <none>                      504d
12   docker-registry-token   Docker Registry Token   https://index.docker.io/v1/   Username/Password   dev99                       278d
20   docker-dev77            docker-dev77            https://index.docker.io/v1/   Username/Password   dev77                       now

registry get

Get Details of Registry.

Alias: registry get | reg get

Usage: registry get <registryId>


  • registryId — Identifier of Registry (name | id | uuid)

Options: -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated get of fields


# get registry with specified id
ei registry get 15
ID   NAME           DISPLAYNAME     SERVER                         AUTH                USERNAME  AGE
15   docker-dev77   docker-dev77    https://index.docker.io/v1/    Username/Password   dev77     now
# get registry by name in block formating
ei registry get docker-dev77  -b

registry view

View Registry dashboard in web browser.

If registryId is not specified, defaults to current Registry if any.

Requires environment where a default web-browser is configured and can be started/open.

You need to login via the web-browser the first time to start a web session in Cloud Manager.

Alias: registry view | reg view

Usage: registry view [registryId]


  • registryId — Identifier of Registry (name | id | uuid)


# open web browser (tab) and view registry dashboard in CloudManager UI
ei registry view dockerhub-dev99
# open web browser (tab) and view current registry dashboard in CloudManager UI
ei registry view

registry create

Create Registry with given name.

Get/Show Registry after create, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: registry create | reg create

Usage: registry create <name>


  • name — Name of the Registry

Options: --server | --url | -u | -m | -p | --auth | --props=...* | -o | -O

  • --server | --url — Server URL (or provider name)
  • -u — Username
  • -m — Email
  • -p — Password
  • --auth — Credentials type
  • --props — any property of Registry (registry schema)
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated create of fields


# create registry with specified details
ei registry create dockerhub-dev99 --username=dev99 --email=dev99@acme.com --password=${DOCKERHUB_TOKEN}

# create registry with specified details
ei reg create dockerhub-dev77 -udev99 -mdev77@acme.com -p${DOCKERHUB_TOKEN2}

registry update

Update Registry with specified id.

Get/Show Registry after update, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: registry update | reg update

Usage: registry update <registryId>


  • registryId — Identifier of Registry (name | id | uuid)

Options: --server | --url | -u | -m | -p | --auth | --props=...* | -o | -O

  • --server | --url — Server URL (or provider name)
  • -u — Username
  • -m — Email
  • -p — Password
  • --auth — Credentials type
  • --props — any property of Registry (registry schema)
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated update of fields


# update registry details
ei registry update dev -dname=Development

# update registry crendentials
ei registry create dockerhub-dev99 --password=${DOCKERHUB_NEWTOKEN}

registry delete

Delete Registry with specified id.

List Registries after delete, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: registry delete | registry del | registry remove | registry rm | reg delete | reg del | reg remove | reg rm

Usage: registry delete <registryId>


  • registryId — Identifier of Registry (name | id | uuid)

Options: -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated delete of fields


# delete registry with specified name
ei registry delete us-central
# delete registry by id, list other registrys after
ei registry delete 18 -o

registry set

Set current Registry.

Created Deployments/Jobs/CronJobs will use this registry if not specified.

Alias: registry set | reg set

Usage: registry set <registryId>


  • registryId — Identifier of Registry (name | url | id | uuid)

Options: -o

  • -o — Execute pwd after


# set current registry
ei registry set dockerhub-dev99

registry unset

Unsets current Registry.

Alias: registry unset | reg unset


# unset current registry
ei registry unset

registry schema

Show attributes/properties for Registry.

Alias: registry schema | registry meta | reg schema | reg meta

Usage: registry schema

Options: -f | -g

  • -f — Show attributes/properties of RegistryFilter
  • -g — Show attributes/properties of RegistryOptions


# show schema of registry filter
ei registry schema -f

Git VCS Commands

vcs [help]

Show help on commands for Git VCS.

Alias: vcs | git

Usage: vcs ...


#show vcs commands
vcs -h
vcs help
  vcs ls        List Git Vcs
  vcs get       Get Details of Git Vcs
  vcs view      View Git Vcs dashboard in web browser
  vcs schema    Show attributes/properties of Domain
  vcs create    Create Git Vcs
  vcs update    Update Git Vcs
  vcs delete    Delete Git Vcs
  vcs set       Set current Git Vcs
  vcs unset     Unset current Git Vcs
  vcs help      Show help on commands for Domain

vcs ls

List Registries.

Alias: vcs ls | vcs list | git ls | git list

Usage: vcs ls [q]


  • q — Optional query string (same as option -q)

Options: -q | --props=...* | -o | -O

  • -q — Query string (matches name substring)
  • --props — any other property of Git VcsFilter (vcs schema -f)
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated list of fields


# list git vcs on github
ei git ls github
ID   NAME           DISPLAYNAME    URL                               AUTH                USERNAME   AGE
1    github         GitHub         https://github.com                OAuth2 Token        dev99      501d
12   github-dev77   github-dev77   github                            <none>              dev77      now
# list all vcs
ei vcs ls
ID   NAME           DISPLAYNAME    URL                               AUTH                USERNAME   AGE
1    github         GitHub         https://github.com                OAuth2 Token        dev99      501d
2    gitlab         GitLab         https://gitlab.com                Username/Password   dev99      501d
3    bitbucket      Bit Bucket     https://bitbucket.org/            Username/Password   dev99      501d
4    google         Google Cloud   https://source.cloud.google.com   Json Key            <none>     501d
7    gitlab         GitLab         https://gitlab.com                None (Public)       <none>     278d
12   github-dev77   github-dev77   github                            <none>              dev77      now

vcs get

Get Details of Git Vcs.

Alias: vcs get | git get

Usage: vcs get <vcsId>


  • vcsId — Identifier of Git Vcs (name | id | uuid)

Options: -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated get of fields


# get vcs with specified id
ei vcs get 3
# get vcs by id all fields
ei vcs get 3 -oyaml

vcs view

View Git Vcs dashboard in web browser

If vcsId is not specified, defaults to current Git Vcs if any.

Requires environment where a default web-browser is configured and can be started/open.

You need to login via the web-browser the first time to start a web session in Cloud Manager.

Alias: vcs view | git view

Usage: vcs view [vcsId]


  • vcsId — Identifier of Git Vcs (name | id | uuid)


# open web browser (tab) and view vcs dashboard in CloudManager UI
ei vcs view github-dev84
# open web browser (tab) and view current vcs dashboard in CloudManager UI
ei vcs view

vcs create

Create Git Vcs with given name.

Get/Show Git Vcs after create, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: vcs create | git create

Usage: vcs create <name>


  • name — Name of the Git Vcs

Options: --server | --url | -u | -p | --auth | --props=...* | -o | -O

  • --server | --url — Server URL (or provider name)
  • -u — Username
  • -p — Password
  • --auth — Credentials type
  • --props — any property of Git Vcs (vcs schema)
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated create of fields


# create vcs with specified details
ei vcs create github-dev77 --server=github -udev77 -p${GITHUB_TOKEN}

vcs update

Update Git Vcs with specified id.

Get/Show Git Vcs after update, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: vcs update | git update

Usage: vcs update <vcsId>


  • vcsId — Identifier of Git Vcs (name | id | uuid)

Options: --server | --url | -u | -p | --auth | --props=...* | -o | -O

  • --server | --url — Server URL (or provider name)
  • -u — Username
  • -p — Password
  • --auth — Credentials type
  • --props — any property of Git Vcs (vcs schema)
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated update of fields


# update vcs password/token
ei vcs update github --password=${GITHUB_TOKEN}

vcs delete

Delete Git Vcs with specified id.

List Git Vcss after delete, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: vcs delete | vcs del | vcs remove | vcs rm | git delete | git del | git remove | git rm

Usage: vcs delete <vcsId>


  • vcsId — Identifier of Git Vcs (name | id | uuid)

Options: -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated delete of fields


# delete vcs with specified name
ei vcs delete github-dev99
# delete vcs by id, list other vcss after
ei vcs rm 4 -o

vcs set

Set current Git Vcs.

Created Deployments/Jobs/CronJobs will use this Git Vcs if not specified.

Usage: vcs set <vcsId> | git set <vcsId>


  • vcsId — Identifier of Git Vcs (name | url | id | uuid)

Options: -o

  • -o — Execute pwd after


# set current vcs
ei vcs set github-dev81

vcs unset

Unsets current Git Vcs.


# unset current vcs
ei vcs unset

vcs schema

Show attributes/properties for Git Vcs.

Alias: vcs schema | vcs meta

Usage: vcs schema

Options: -f | -g

  • -f — Show attributes/properties of VcsFilter
  • -g — Show attributes/properties of VcsOptions


# show schema of vcs filter
ei vcs schema -f

Catalog Commands

catalog [help]

Show help on commands for Catalogs.

Alias: catalog | git

Usage: catalog ...


#show catalog commands
catalog -h
catalog help
  catalog ls          List Catalogs
  catalog get         Get Details of Catalog
  catalog view        View Catalog dashboard in web browser
  catalog schema      Show attributes/properties of Catalog
  catalog create      Create Catalog
  catalog update      Update Catalog
  catalog delete      Delete Catalog
  catalog solution    List Solutions in Catalog
  catalog set         Set current Catalog
  catalog unset       Unset current Catalog
  catalog help        Show help on commands for Catalog

catalog ls

List Catalog.

Alias: catalog ls | catalog list

Usage: catalog ls [q]


  • q — Optional query string (same as option -q)

Options: -q | --props=...* | -o | -O

  • -q — Query string (matches name substring)
  • --props — any other property of CatalogFilter (catalog schema -f)
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated list of fields


# list catalogs of type native
ei catalog ls --type=native
ID   NAME                           TYPE     ENABLED
1    EInnovator Solutions           Native   true
4    Tekton Pipelines               Native   true
# list catalogs of type helm
ei catalog ls --type=helm
ID   NAME                             TYPE     ENABLED
2   EInnovator Helm Charts            Helm     true
3   Community Helm Charts - Stable    Helm     true
5   Helm Charts Community Incubator   Helm     true
# list all catalogs
ei catalog ls
ID   NAME                             TYPE     ENABLED
1   EInnovator Solutions              Native   true
2   EInnovator Helm Charts            Helm     true
3   Community Helm Charts - Stable    Helm     true
4   Tekton Pipelines                  Native   true
5   Helm Charts Community Incubator   Helm     true

catalog get

Get Details of Catalog.

Alias: catalog get

Usage: catalog get <catalogId>


  • catalogId — Identifier of Catalog (name | id | uuid)

Options: -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated get of fields


# get catalog with specified id
ei catalog get 15
# get catalog by id all fields
ei catalog get 18 -oyaml

catalog view

View Catalog dashboard in web browser

If catalogId is not specified, defaults to current Catalog if any.

Requires environment where a default web-browser is configured and can be started/open.

You need to login via the web-browser the first time to start a web session in Cloud Manager.

Alias: catalog view

Usage: catalog view [catalogId]


  • catalogId — Identifier of Catalog (name | id | uuid)


# open web browser (tab) and view catalog dashboard in CloudManager UI
ei catalog view community-charts
# open web browser (tab) and view current catalog dashboard in CloudManager UI
ei catalog view

catalog create

Create Catalog with given name.

Get/Show Catalog after create, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: catalog create

Usage: catalog create <name>


  • name — Name of the Catalog

Options: --props=...* | -o | -O

  • --props — any property of Catalog (catalog schema)
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated create of fields


# create catalog with specified details
ei catalog create home --xx=
# create catalog with specified details
ei catalog create home --xx=

catalog update

Update Catalog with specified id.

Get/Show Catalog after update, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: catalog update

Usage: catalog update <catalogId>


  • catalogId — Identifier of Catalog (name | id | uuid)

Options: --props=...* | -o | -O

  • --props — any property of Catalog (catalog schema)
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated update of fields


# update catalog displayName
ei catalog update xservices --displayName=External Services
# update catalog
ei catalog update dev

catalog delete

Delete Catalog with specified id.

List Catalogs after delete, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: catalog delete | catalog del | catalog remove | catalog rm

Usage: catalog delete <catalogId>


  • catalogId — Identifier of Catalog (name | id | uuid)

Options: -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated delete of fields


# delete catalog with specified name
ei catalog delete demo
# delete catalog by id, list other catalogs after
ei catalog delete 4 -o

catalog solution

List Solutions in Catalog.

catalog set

Set current Catalog.

Solution names will be resolved for this Catalog.

Usage: catalog set <catalogId>


  • catalogId — Identifier of Catalog (name | url | id | uuid)

Options: -o

  • -o — Execute pwd after


# set current catalog
ei catalog set acme-solutions

catalog unset

Unsets current Catalog.


# unset current catalog
ei catalog unset

catalog schema

Show attributes/properties for Catalog.

Alias: catalog schema | catalog meta

Usage: catalog schema

Options: -f | -g

  • -f — Show attributes/properties of CatalogFilter
  • -g — Show attributes/properties of CatalogOptions


# show schema of catalog filter
ei catalog schema -f

Solution Commands

solution [help]

Show help on commands for Solutions.

Alias: solution | solutions

Usage: solution ...


#show solution commands
solution -h
solution help
  solution ls        List Solution
  solution get       Get Details of Solution
  solution view      View Solution dashboard in web browser
  solution schema    Show attributes/properties of Solution
  solution create    Create Solution
  solution update    Update Solution
  solution delete    Delete Solution
  solution help      Show help on commands for Solution

solution ls

List Solutions.

Alias: solution ls | solution list

Usage: solution ls [q]


  • q — Optional query string (same as option -q)

Options: -q | --props=...* | -o | -O

  • -q — Query string (matches name substring)
  • --props — any other property of SolutionFilter (solution schema -f)
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated list of fields


# list solution with category webserver
ei solution ls --category=webserver
ID    NAME               TYPE         KIND          CATEGORY    KEYWORDS
104   nginx              Manifest     Deployment    WebServer   http-server
279   nginx-replicated   Deployment   Deployment    WebServer   http-server
281   nginx-stateless    Simple       Deployment    WebServer   http-server
286   nginx-statefull    Simple       StatefulSet   WebServer   http-server
# list all solution
ei solution ls
ID    NAME                         TYPE         KIND          CATEGORY      KEYWORDS
104   nginx                        Manifest     Deployment    WebServer     http-server
259   einnovator-home              External     Deployment    Application
268   einnovator-devops            External     Deployment    Tool
269   einnovator-studio            External     Deployment    Tool
274   Superheros                   Simple       Deployment    Application   superheros,crud,sample
275   Superheros (D)               Deployment   Deployment                  crud
276   Superheros (M)               Manifest     Deployment    Application   crud
277   EInnovator SSO Gateway (X)   External     Deployment    Application   sso,security,authentication,...
278   Superheros (X)                External     Deployment    Application   superheros,crud,sample
279   nginx-replicated             Deployment   Deployment    WebServer     http-server
280   nginx-stateless-d            Deployment   Deployment                  http-server
281   nginx-stateless              Simple       Deployment    WebServer     http-server
286   nginx-statefull              Simple       StatefulSet   WebServer     http-server
287   mysql                        Simple       StatefulSet   Database      database,relational
288   sso                          Simple       Deployment    Application   sso,security,authentication,...

solution get

Get Details of Solution.

Alias: solution get

Usage: solution get <solutionId>


  • solutionId — Identifier of Solution (name | id | uuid)

Options: -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated get of fields


# get solution with specified id
ei solution get 15
# get solution by id all fields
ei solution get 18 -oyaml

solution view

View Solution dashboard in web browser

Requires environment where a default web-browser is configured and can be started/open.

You need to login via the web-browser the first time to start a web session in Cloud Manager.

Alias: solution view

Usage: solution view solutionId


  • solutionId — Identifier of Solution (name | id | uuid)


# open web browser (tab) and view solution dashboard in CloudManager UI
ei solution view nginx-stateful-replicated

solution create

Create Solution with given name.

Get/Show Solution after create, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: solution create

Usage: solution create <name>


  • name — Name of the Solution

Options: --props=...* | -o | -O

  • --props — any property of Solution (solution schema)
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated create of fields


# create solution with specified details
ei solution create home --xx=
# create solution with specified details
ei solution create home --xx=

solution update

Update Solution with specified id.

Get/Show Solution after update, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: solution update

Usage: solution update <solutionId>


  • solutionId — Identifier of Solution (name | id | uuid)

Options: --props=...* | -o | -O

  • --props — any property of Solution (solution schema)
  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated update of fields


# update solution displayName
ei solution update dev --displayName=Development
# update solution
ei solution update dev

solution delete

Delete Solution with specified id.

List Solutions after delete, if output options -o|-O are specified.

Alias: solution delete | solution del | solution remove | solution rm

Usage: solution delete <solutionId>


  • solutionId — Identifier of Solution (name | id | uuid)

Options: -o | -O

  • -o — Output format (wide | yaml | json | raw | block)
  • -O — Named field set or comma-separated delete of fields


# delete solution with specified name
ei solution delete demo
# delete solution by id, list other solutions after
ei solution delete 4 -o

solution schema

Show attributes/properties for Solution.

Alias: solution schema | solution meta

Usage: solution schema

Options: -f | -g

  • -f — Show attributes/properties of SolutionFilter
  • -g — Show attributes/properties of SolutionOptions


# show schema of solution filter
ei solution schema -f

Marketplace Commands


List Marketplace Solutions.

Alias: marketplace | market

Options: --category

Usage: marketplace

Options: -d | -j | -c | -a | -r

  • --category — Filter by category


# list standalione and catalog solution matching query
ei market nginx
ID    NAME                TYPE         KIND          CATEGORY    KEYWORDS
104   nginx               Manifest     Deployment    WebServer   http-server
279   nginx-replicated    Deployment   Deployment    WebServer   http-server
281   nginx-stateless     Simple       Deployment    WebServer   http-server
286   nginx-statefull     Simple       StatefulSet   WebServer   http-server

12 einnovator-solutions-local   Einnovator Solutions

nginx              http-server

54 helm-charts-community   Helm Charts Community

NAME                   CATEGORY   KEYWORDS
nginx-ingress                     ingress,nginx
nginx-lego                        kube-lego,...
# list marketplace solution of category database
ei market --category=database


Install Solution (standalone or from Catalog)

If unqualified name is provided, both standalone and catalog solutions are searched. If there is a single match, that solution is installed. If there are multiple matches, the list of matches are displayed. If there are only approximate name matched, the list of matches are displayed. If a qualified catalog/solution is used, the solution in that catalog is considered. If /solution name is used, only the standalon solution is considered. Catalog can be identified by name, id, or uuid.

Usage: install <solution>

Args: - solution Solution to install (name | catalog/name | /name | id | uuid)

Options: --name | --plan | --version | -k | -m | --mem | --disk | --storage | --cpu | --mounts | --mount | --props*

  • --name — Name of deployment or release (defaults to solution name, or catalog default)
  • --plan — Plan of the solution (if solution defines plans)
  • --version — Image version (optional)
  • -k — pod/instance/replica count (default to 1)
  • -m | --mem — Memory size (units Gi|G|Mi|M)
  • --disk | --storage — Ephemeral Disk/Storage size (units Gi|G)
  • --cpu — CPU allocation
  • --mounts | --mount — Volume/ConfigMap/Secret Mounts (e.g. name1:/path1=1Gi,name2:/path2=^configmap.key[+key…],name3:/path3=^^secret.key[+key])
  • --props — InstallOptions properties


# install nginx (from any catalog or standalone solution)
ei install nginx
# install solution from specific catalog
ei install community-charts/mariadb
# install solution from specific catalog
ei install einnovator-solutions/einnovator-sso
# install custom standalone solution
ei install /acme-home -k 3 --mem=2Gi --host=home.staging.acme
# install solution from custom catalog
ei install acme-solutions/home -k 3 --mem=2Gi --host=home.staging.acme
Comments and Discussion
